This is a Tuesday...morning...and I bid you all a 'how you doin'?'...I'm starting with an absolutely, astonishingly, remarkable observation of another interview by Trump, with Axios (HBO)...he has charts...that somehow he thinks shows the downward trending of the Covid virus here, in the USA...bumbling about...completely lost in translation...perhaps, the most embarrassing interview BY a president that I have ever seen...it is a 'must' see, if you are a believer or not...the result is without a doubt. TERRIFYING!...that he is in control...find it...watch it...judge for yourself...damn it Jared, who is this guy?...I requested Hannity...
He continues on with more Tweeting...good lord...trying to justify his lack of compassion for the recent passing of Congressman John Lewis...as he is getting even, somehow in his mind...due to the fact that Lewis did NOT come to his inauguration...he won't give him any more credence than he did...I can't make this stuff up...
More...'Open up the schools!'...Orange must be referring to the charts that he tried to use in the Axios interview...ah, showing...what?...he doesn't do anything, that doesn't benefit himself...how does this?...I guess that is the puzzle, trying to find it...his reasoning...voters?....I dunno...
More, yes more...Trump thinks that he can block the vote by mail item for November...listen, kids...ANYTHING to prolong the inevitable...is there a more terrifying bloke ever in the history of our country, than this guy?...
Israel is in a mess...there are protests going on over their leader...man, I can't spell his name...but, you know it...
The mighty Padres whupped the Bums...OK, it was only 5-4...but, c'mon any win over LA is a big thang...Wil Myers was hot hot hot...and our RP, did a creditable job...ah, we WON!...
Over at the Bubble, the hot rumor...if true...the LaLa Lakers coach called for a practice session...the 2 elite players on the team, LeBron and the Brow, thought otherwise...'we don't think so'...they didn't...the inmates running the asylum...as the coach, I would walk right out of the bubble, get on an airplane, and fly back home...
Snooki's song of the day...'In The Still Of The Night' by the Five Satins...one of my all time top 10 songs...like ever...
The Ellen Show debacle continues to grow...where there is smoke there is fire...
The FDA is warning about 114 sanitizers...what?...114?...OMG...
The Manhattan DA is investigating Trump...yes...they could have started that back when his daddy was 'building'...duh...fraud...perhaps...
My Q for the day...the background first...has Trump even won an election for the Republicans?...he is gonna accept it, he says...the Q is, wouldn't the party like an option for a choice?...
Maybe I am overstating the blog title...but, my oh my....