Grand Slam

So much for Trump...and his nickname for the Democratic Presidential runner, JOE BIDEN, sleepy Biden's acceptance speech was BRILLIANT!..."take us out of the darkness, that this guy has our country in..."...the conclusion to the 4 nite convention...the fanfare, is hard to, the words said are the vehicle that we must ride...the two at the top of the ticket, Biden and Harris, are the here at the right reinstall common decency back into our top office...

Sen Cory Booker, had a couple of segments in the final nite...his speech and the moderator of a 'ZOOM MTG' of other Prez candidates of this go they took turns, embracing Joe and was informative, needed, and fun...the speech by the youngster, that he too, was a child Biden helped him...the list of people that Joe touched in times of grief...over the many could just feel the compassion of the man, and the direct opposite of the bloke in the White House now...

Now, it is up to YOU to continue the fight...YOU must VOTE! up the ticket...encourage those who might not do what YOU can...

In the next week, the RNC cranks up their version of a convention...ah, my oh my...wonder how many of their leaders CRINGE knowing that to get speakers for Trump, it is a very difficult Orange is said to be giving his acceptance babble, from the White House, perhaps, in his bunker (I jest)...

Let's move on...

The mighty Padres did a first...not sure if this has been matched...for sure for this franchise...4 straight days that a grand slam was hit! their sweep of the Texas Rangers...Hosmer was the banger this, Jr, Manny, Wil, and now, Hoz have done this...of course, the RP couldn't hold the lead, so it took a walk off hit in OT to win it...apparently, the next in line closer, Pomeranz, has arm issues, too...egads...listen rookie mgr...try this...have your starters go deeper in the games...duh...

The PDX Blazers got whupped by the Lake Show...badly...Dame has a bad finger...he rested the 4th Q....what was so rosy, looks thorny now...who is the D coach?...

From the 'can't make this stuff up' files...Orange is trying to send police, sheriffs, ah, whatever he can influence to...the polling insure their are no about his storm troopers?...

Mike Bloomberg's talk last eve...ridiculing Trump was a classic...lambasting the notion that Donny was a great was funny...and powerful...Orange lives by the bankruptcy laws...'I can't pay you'...BUT, he can pay his personal lawyer...'Jared, can you find me Rudy?...where is he anyhow?'...

Huge Orange found time to Tweet this morning...calling Bloomberg's speech the worst of the convention...ah, thanks for watching, dude...

Elaine...ah, Julia Louis-Dreyfus...hosted the Day 4 of the DNC...she got her digs in...of course, the forever Trumpsters were irate...mentioning, of all things, the church thang...'damn it Jared, where is my Bible?...I'll show Elaine...'...

'I think it's right next to the Korang...'...

'Ah, now I'm all covfefe...'...

Snooki's song of the day...'Jailhouse Rock' by Elvis...and dedicated to Steve Bannon...and his band of 3...ah, the 'Ode to the Trump Wall'...should that be 'owed?'...

Speaking of grand about the delicacy that Denny's puts out...the much needed eats that are a staple after a late nite bender...not that I have ever been on one...Snooki, I am getting this info from him...'can I have sugar free syrup with that?...I'm watching my weight'....


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