Yea, right...
This MUST be the idea that the powers to be, foresee the school hallways to look reality, they are SLAMMED with students...back packs, books, guys and gals, some with colds...and worse...some actually in masks...most not...and that is exactly the dilemma of the Georgia schools that opened (or more) of the students, decided to take a picture of the traffic in THEIR school...THEIR hallway...guess what the outcome was?...he (assumed, perhaps a she) was suspended!...hide the it is...judge for yourself...
It is being said that, at least 2 students were suspended for the an odd irony, they may be the safest of all the kids...YES, I have a name for 'leadership' in this area...COVIDIOTS!...
BREAKING...the suspensions have been lifted...thanks for reading moi, school board...
Moving on...
It's been over 2 months of straight protesting in Portland, that Trump pulled his storm troopers, one might think that it would die down...nope...they have a real problem....appears to be escalating...again...
Thinking that the only thing that the Horse needs to improve his golf the putting...ah, you who know me...yea, right...BUT...we can try this, I ventured out to Golf Galaxy...'puttered' around....sorry 'bout that...and got me a brand spanking new Ping, I am going to be a good closed...
Speaking of golf...the PGA T in SF...the 1st day most EVERYONE is near the top...there must be some separation today...hands around the neck, will usually do it...
The mighty Padres...apparently, you have a bad outing, and to the taxi squad you the day off, one of our starters, Lefty Lucchesi, got the ticket to who takes his spot?...enquiring minds want to know...please don't let it be Strahm...
Something tells me when Orange talks...and someone actually for real...his mind might be elsewhere....just where is Thighland, anyway?...
More Huge Orange talk...his deal is to bad mouth Biden as much and as often as he can...but, saying that he is hurting God...well, for a non religious bloke, just how would he know?...from the 'I can't make this stuff up' files...
There is a thought out there, that Kanye's campaign is to take the black vote away from the Demos...ah, right...maybe that is the idear...KW says otherwise...he wants to be Prez...
Snooki's song of the day...'Blue Moon' by the Marcells...the PNW lad, thinks that this may be the best tune of the era...OK...perhaps...
'Damn it Jared, get me a globe...and a sharpie...I have to add Thighland to it...'