Let's Talk Baseball
The opening games...the 2 that have gotten much of the notoriety, the Yankees and the Bums...did NOT disappoint their believers...as they both won...as Dr Fauci opened it all, with the 'first pitch' in DC...let's say, it is not his forte...ha ha...
The NY Yankees...loaded...the biggest lineup I can recall...and I mean the bulk of the bods of these guys...fear is what I hear...and yes, I think they are the team to beat in the AL...oh my...add the pitching that they have, well...turn out the lights...
The Bums...their ace was a late scratch, Kershaw, and is out for a bit...but, they just reload...they pounded the hapless 'new look' Giants...who are absolutely awful...made so many mistakes, that they did NOT resemble a MLB team...that bad...back to LA, the addition of Mookie makes them even better...duh...as above, the team to beat in this half of the league...the NL...
The rest of the league gets going, starting today...which means we are in the spotlight...the mighty Padres host the DBacks, and their new addition, MadBum...terrific test for the locals...we have the Sheriff on the hill...yes, there is lots of promise out there...and, we shall see...we have our version of the 'cutouts' in the seats, too...see, LaLa, we can do that, too...
Huge Orange got his wish...to throw out a first pitch...will be in NY next month...if they let him back in the city...Jared, where is my glove?...
We watched a flick starring Dianne Lane last eve...a journey to Paris...kind of OK...Marsh liked it...'Paris Can Wait'...nice scenery...she is a great actress...well, there you go...
Been listening to Taylor Swift's new album...'Folklore'...ah, must be my mood...but, it drags on...it is called 'alternative', for it's genre...
The Skins...ah, the Washington 'Redskins' are changing to...drum roll please...the Washington Football Club...ah, what?...'they' need more time to decide the nickname...er, mascot...well, whatever...
Disturbing, deplorable, despicable, can I think of other D words?...that describe Donny's Tweet of how delighted he was, with his storm troopers delivering a 'blow' to the Portland, Oregon Mayor...now THIS is worthy of removal from office...
It is said that Natalie Portman, can speak 5 languages...OK...the Horse can speak 3, if you count pig latin...latin?...
The Republicans, well, Trump, has canceled his, er, their, convention set for Florida this next month...something about Covid...
Snooki's song of the day...'Reunited' by Peaches and Herb...'and it feels so good'...the duet return...did they have another song?...hmmm, that used to be a popular name for the era...Herb...like in Herb Score...one of my fav pitchers back in the day...Peaches?...not sure if I knew anyone really named that...
'Morning Joe', out of MSNBC...has proclaimed the margin of Biden's lead over Orange, 'STUNNING!'...13 points and RISING...Donny hates him...Jared, get on the phone, and get our own poll out...
On our run to Costco...one thing is still missing...get this...sanitary wipes!...GONE!...try to find them on the web net, too...ah, what?...
Friday already?...
The NY Yankees...loaded...the biggest lineup I can recall...and I mean the bulk of the bods of these guys...fear is what I hear...and yes, I think they are the team to beat in the AL...oh my...add the pitching that they have, well...turn out the lights...
The Bums...their ace was a late scratch, Kershaw, and is out for a bit...but, they just reload...they pounded the hapless 'new look' Giants...who are absolutely awful...made so many mistakes, that they did NOT resemble a MLB team...that bad...back to LA, the addition of Mookie makes them even better...duh...as above, the team to beat in this half of the league...the NL...
The rest of the league gets going, starting today...which means we are in the spotlight...the mighty Padres host the DBacks, and their new addition, MadBum...terrific test for the locals...we have the Sheriff on the hill...yes, there is lots of promise out there...and, we shall see...we have our version of the 'cutouts' in the seats, too...see, LaLa, we can do that, too...
Huge Orange got his wish...to throw out a first pitch...will be in NY next month...if they let him back in the city...Jared, where is my glove?...
We watched a flick starring Dianne Lane last eve...a journey to Paris...kind of OK...Marsh liked it...'Paris Can Wait'...nice scenery...she is a great actress...well, there you go...
Been listening to Taylor Swift's new album...'Folklore'...ah, must be my mood...but, it drags on...it is called 'alternative', for it's genre...
The Skins...ah, the Washington 'Redskins' are changing to...drum roll please...the Washington Football Club...ah, what?...'they' need more time to decide the nickname...er, mascot...well, whatever...
Disturbing, deplorable, despicable, can I think of other D words?...that describe Donny's Tweet of how delighted he was, with his storm troopers delivering a 'blow' to the Portland, Oregon Mayor...now THIS is worthy of removal from office...
It is said that Natalie Portman, can speak 5 languages...OK...the Horse can speak 3, if you count pig latin...latin?...
The Republicans, well, Trump, has canceled his, er, their, convention set for Florida this next month...something about Covid...
Snooki's song of the day...'Reunited' by Peaches and Herb...'and it feels so good'...the duet return...did they have another song?...hmmm, that used to be a popular name for the era...Herb...like in Herb Score...one of my fav pitchers back in the day...Peaches?...not sure if I knew anyone really named that...
'Morning Joe', out of MSNBC...has proclaimed the margin of Biden's lead over Orange, 'STUNNING!'...13 points and RISING...Donny hates him...Jared, get on the phone, and get our own poll out...
On our run to Costco...one thing is still missing...get this...sanitary wipes!...GONE!...try to find them on the web net, too...ah, what?...
Friday already?...