Happy Papa's Day

To all of you PAPA's out there, it is YOUR day...specifically to mine, and Cyrus's daddy...in remembrance and in the now...Happy Father's Day!...Marsh messed up and started with it yesterday...cooked me some breakfast...then, realized that is was in fact, today...she felt schickered...as I didn't tell her otherwise...figured it was a whole weekend...ha ha...anyhoo, hope ya'll have a great day...

The Tulsa Catastrophe...what else might you call it?...Huge Orange at his very worst...the numbers he was touting for being there?...a joke, as only half the arena was filled...is that half empty or half filled?...maybe 10,000...maybe...mask less?...most of them...98%...good luck, on that...he had scheduled an outdoor oration, for all those who couldn't get in...ah, there was nobody OUT there...so, that was scratched...

His revival speech...I was curious...so, I watched and listened as long as I could stomach it...was absurd...he took at least 15 minutes rebuking the West Point physicality mess ups...the ramp and the 2 handed water drink....geez, that must have really touched a nerve...then he went on a rampage...the drill is the same...calling Joe Biden every name he could come up with...and on and on...touching briefly on the virus, calling it Kung Flu...talked about slow testing...more and more...

And departed...and left all his 'faithful' to fend for themselves....4-6 hours of being in that arena...good lord, does he have no shame?...listen, kids...it could not have been worse...what I don't understand, is how some people can still consider him 'a good Prez'...


Another debacle...the firing of the Manhattan AG Berman...Trump's AG Barr said, it was Orange's doing...but, Donny said he new nothing about it...ah, what gives?...one of the two are lying...if not, both...as Berman, was deep into investigating Trump's personal attorney, Giuliani...as that is the way, they will suppress that...Berman, frustrated for sure...has resigned...what country are we in?...unfortunately, does any of this surprise you?...not this bloke...so sad...

The winner of the PGA T in South Carolina?...it is a wild one...so many dudes that are close...4 tied right now, as we enter the last round...something tells me...in my crystal ball...that the pro who won last week, just may do so again...he is one back...Daniel Berger...

The Belmont Stakes...man oh man...it's too bad, that it had no fans...the fav, 'Tiz The Law' won convincingly...my two other pix, were 2nd and 3rd...and I did win some scratch...dang, if I would have bet the tri, I would have won...ah, if and only if...on they go to Kentucky for the Derby...

Just out...the Tulsa fire department released their findings...that 6,240 was the number of 'Trumpites' that were in attendance at his revival...that got in the arena...oh my...it is said that Huge Orange is attempting to fire the Fire Chief there...AG Barr is on the phone right now...for giving false numbers...

Snooki's song of the day...'You May Be Right' by Billy Joel...as he calls it the new Trump campaign theme, 'it just may be the lunatic you're looking for'...you DO know that, nobody will allow Orange to use their songs for his campaign...hmmm, he does have a follower in Charlie Daniels...how about 'The Devil Went Down to Georgia'...I digress...

Hey, all you papas out there, have a great day!...


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