Where Have All The Doilies Gone?

It's da weekend, and we are still....well, you know...something popped into the mini-brain of the Horse during the nite...do not ask me why...some things are unexplainable...I truly have NO IDEA as to why...as we continually stare at our earthly possessions, trying to better the view...just how can we make it look, cooler?...er, more rad...perhaps, more conventional...no...elegant?...yea, that's it...my mind raced back to the elders of our era...what did they do?...and it came to me...where have all the doilies gone?...your parents probably had them...we don't...the white thangs, that are underneath lots and lots of specialty items on display in your home, apartment, condo...ah, wherever you dwell...macrame?...crochet?...cloth of some sort...something to glamorize your trinkets...used to be...everywhere...I say, bring back the doily...in your gargantuas amount of free time, learn to knit...and have THIS as your project...the Horse rests...

OK, time for a complete 180* turn...Big Orange has his henchmen, reverse the court's decision on his co-hort Mike Flynn...he who lied to the FBI under oath, got stuck with a prison term...B.O. got his personal AG Barr, to attack the court system, to get the bloke freed...stink to you?...another attempt to manipulate the system of justice...as, we the people, watch in aghast...OK judges, what on earth are you thinking?...can you be shoved around?...the answer is ________...

Cali leads the Nation again in reform...?...the Guv Newsom, has signed an executive order to have EVERY Californian sent a mail in ballot for the November election...think what Big Orange is going to try to do to block this...as his days are dwindling, he will try everything in his power to sabotage the election process...let's hope ALL states follow the lead of Newsom...tick tick tick...

B.O. has said that he doesn't trust the mail in voting scheme...too many chances for 'cheating', for better terminology...hmmm, think back dude, when the Russians did their thang in your scam...OK, I get it...fairness is not really on the docket...

Snooki's song of the day...'September' by Earth Wind and Fire...the connection is to whether or not...college football will be played in the fall, er September...so much depends on the cure for the virus, right?...we keep our fingers crossed, that the scientists find it...back to the song...covered by one of the PNW's fav 'unknown' groups, Leonid and Friends...find them on You Tube...

You want a coveted bottle of Pappy Van Winkle?...the, make that, THE, most desired of all bourbons...drink it neat, or, if you must, with a giant, round, piece of ice...never, never, with Coke...I digress...anyhoo, there is an auction going on, that right now has the price at...$17,500!...ah, the Jim Beam is just fine with moi...but, if I made big money like some of you...I'd get in the auction...ha ha...

I have been listening to all my old vinyls of The Rolling Stones...as I told you the other day...most of them are in Mono...I desire the stereo ones, now...on the prowl...as they filled up the room's speakers...it's like I re-found them...is that a word?...rediscovered...that is better...lots of cuts, that never made the radio play, are terrific...check 'em out, kids...

Gosh, by accident...I found the 'perfect' song for the 8 pm Solidarity Show...which was alive and thriving last eve...Thursday, not so much...'Born in the USA' by Bruce Springsteen...absolutely the right one...as it seemed to jive up the nearby buildings...participants...cool...

And NO...still no stimulus check...how about you?...gonna give it til we get the SS one...and then, if we must, fill out the form from the online thanger....hmmm, I would like to see one of them printed jobbies...do they really exist?...or, is this just fake news?...ha ha...well, not so ha ha...

A pizza sounds mighty good...c'mon, a Saturday nite without a pizza?...so, there you go...in the hopper for this eve...make at home, or order in?...the Q...

See ya, tomorrow....


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