Surging Stocks

It was a banner day for the Stock might call it 'surging'...almost up 1,000 points in the me out here, just...WHY? the World is embroiled in this catastrophe...some say it was due to the mention of a vaccine for it was imminent...others say it was due to the rumor of the Fed staying stable...yea, who knows?...this blogster says it's the rich doing what they do...wheeling and dealing in their own little world...but, I am like most of you, we don't know what and Futures say it will be a level day...

Big Orange...oh my...his latest commentary is making he confessed to taking the malaria drug...for his protection from the virus...hydro_______...whatever it is called...his doctors are baffled, as it is not scientifically proven, as a deterrent...but, c'mon, when has he ever followed orders...or, science?...Nancy Pelosi, the, well, you know who she is...called his personal cure, as dangerous for a morbidly obese so many it all off, so did one of his Fox News henchmen...and Donny went ballistic!...he wants to find a news source only for his good word...I can't make this stuff up...makes you want to go out and buy a Trump 2020 cap, right?...I digress...

I missed the boat on my commentary about the golf match of Rory/DJ/Rickie...true about the bland talk back and forth of the players...but, the real the amount of money that was raised for the event...that went to the health workers battling the virus...millions...that was the real issue...which was simply awesome...

Am listening to the Sara Evans new album as I write this am...listen, kids, you must get is dynamite!...this is my 2nd time...and, it is getting better and better...'Don't Get Me Wrong' many songs...a cover album can be monotonous and give one a wish for the originals....this one is different...'She's Got You'...she really does...

How about downtown SD, the cost of petrol for regular is $ El Cajon, where I travel to play golf, it is $2.59!...90 cents a gallon diff, kids...!...something is amiss...add another 60 cents to the stations over by the airport, and you have your full fledged gougers...c'mon people...

Finished the last season of Bosch...the 6th...absolutely terrific series...the final scene, the music played...'What A Wonderful World', made famous by Louis Armstong...but, in this, was sung by...well, it sounded like the star of the show, Titus...but, it was really Chris ending...'fun?'...well, it was entertaining...there you go...

This will test you Salemites that read me...a 'back when' moment...the stage...we made a beef stew yesterday...which by the way, was terrific!...but, have loads left, will use the high powered grinder...whatever it is called...and make a soup that has tiny little chunks in it...a 'steak soup'...that highly resembles one, that was served at 'Chelsea's'...way back in time...remember that? of my favs...accompany with some 'Famous Dave's' cornbread...mighty tasty, all...

Snooki has been on hiatus for his song of the day...apparently resting his brain a tad...or, maybe he just forgot to send me know, dementia at his age...hmmm, is he taking the hydro____, too?...

Yea, ah ha...still no stimulus...but, it is least that is what the online thinger is telling me...have you got yours?...yet? the mail, right...

I can't believe I left this out of the first publishing...Mike Pompeo...his wife is MIA...well, not at home...and he has...his subordinates WASH his dishes...judging by his rather bulging waistline, there has to be a gaggle of them in the sink...certainly, no easy job for anyone...just a little guess, that is why SHE is absent from the residence...enuff is enuff!...BTW, a government paid job?...


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