Nothing more aggravating than THIS!...your jigsaw puzzle...and there is a missing piece...I had been looking for it for a couple of days...knowing it was NOT there...hoping, that it would turn up as I got closer to the end...NO!...then, searched the floors...the deck...the chairs...there has been no visitors, so...what could be the answer?...accused the little woman of sabotage...she swears she is about Sammi, stealing it from the floor?...could it be, that the manufacturer sold it, minus the one piece?'s like eating a fruit, one bad bite, and it's all bad...ruined...grrrr....

Don't call me a wimp...don't you do it...the temp is for 92*+ out at the GC today...and, the club is going to allow ride carts...yes, the Horse will get one...hey, I told you to NOT call me a wimp...actually, it is the sane thing to do...the rough is long, they haven't cut want more excuses? shoes are skin is not used to the hot sun beating down upon it...stop it, I am NOT a wimp...the little woman gets tired of my cranky attitude when I get home from the muscles ache...I can hear you right now...'wimp!'...

OK, succumbed to the Idol taped show...gosh, sorry kids...but there are only a few of the contestants that are much of anything that resembles a star...nuttin remotely close to a Carrie or a Kelly...really really hard to keep my interest in it...

PBS did a wonderful show on the Brit's Queen and her impact thru the Second World War...and the Princess who would become the a most terrifying time for that country...with the constant Nazi bombardment of their homes, er, their land...did NOT know that for a while, they sent their children to the US for safety...via the ship...until one of them was sunk by a German sub...worth watching...if you haven't... our Orygun Zoom Mtg yesterday, it was announced their Costco...there was no BEEF!...none...gone...zilch...the scare apparently is real...they went there, and it was gone...egads...add to that, there was a sign at a Wendy's...that they had NO hamburgers...chicken yes, beef burgers, no...stay tuned to this...

Recall the Wendy's commercial from way back...'Where's the beef?'....ah, here we go again...

Snooki's song of the day...'Heartbreak Warfare' by John Mayer...his comment, 'a message from Pelosi to Trump'...ha ha...that could be from a humongous amount of people, dude...

Gotta roll, off to the links...


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