Memorial Weekend

Listen all, you must show some common sense these 3 days, in you recognize the fallen on this Memorial Day Weekend...there have been restrictions lifted...BUT...double masking in public places is a MUST!...don't let your guard down...especially, if you get one or two drinks under your belt...ah, why is this a saying?...I digress...I was noticing people getting out, and eating at the shown on Facebook...mask less...NO! your is for the best of ALL of us...

There will be a rush to the coast...well, at least in the warm states...please please please, work at this...keep your distance...I guess I can't say enough...out at the golf course, we follow that double masking to a T...why T?...I digress it...


Am really looking forward to the Tiger/Lefty golf match tomorrow...with the 2 QB's, Tom Terrific and Peyton...they carrying their own bags or driving carts?...I dunno...and the word is, that the one and only, Chas Barkley is involved somehow...maybe he will break down the swings, via the computer screen...ha ha...hey, at least this one is free...they charged last time...but a glitch happened, and it aired for free...serves them right...

Joe Biden, the understood Prez candy man for the trying to figure out his running mate...has said it will be a woman...this you all know...and the rumor out is that a couple of women have been 'vetted'...good lord, I have heard more terms in the past 3 and 1/2 years...mostly due to Big Orange...but, this one is all politics...the best line I heard yesterday, was from Meghan McCain 'don't make the same mistake my dad made with the Palin thing!'...true your proper 'vetting' Joe...

Holy moly...our condo has opened up the Barbecues!...been closed down for the entire pandemic...oh my, expect our place to smell like steak or we live right above them...the catch is, one must sign up for a can imagine the lineup...six ft apart, adorned with their masks, and aprons...with their spatulas and bar-b-q sauce ready for action...hey, what ever happened to the scare of no meat?...

Changing up like a lot here...we got a memo in the mail, Neuman...showing all the sales in the past couple of in downtown SD...and the listings...the amazing thing?...the prices are the same...yes, when the timing for us is right...we will list again...just not now...for you who know us well, we move after 5 years...and are way past that time limit...

Snooki's song of the day...'My Girl' by the Temptations...ah, how sweet...dedicated to his little lady, it is her birthday...remember when you could call in your dedications to the local AM radio station?...that was can still do that, to XM...I listen to 'em all the time on me ride out to the course...

Why is it when you are told you can't have it, you WANT it?...know what I mean?'s what I am thinking about going to Maui...they won't let you in....well, you have to quarantine for 14 days after one must buy a month, to get 2 weeks...get it? way...but, I WANT to go there...when all this is over...there was an article out today, that a gal was arrested for not doing the pre-mentioned...somewhere in Hawaii...geez...

Speaking of being arrested...the Laughlin Case...the parents paying illegally to get their kids into college...'they' worked out a deal...she gets 2 months, and he gets 5 months...and fined...$400 grand...give me a break...fine 'em and fuggit the imprisonment...with the present conditions and all...I guess the judicial system has to show some teeth, as they sure don't when they deal with Big Orange...

The passing of one of the toughest players and coaches in the NBA...Jerry Sloan...a terrific guard for the Bulls and just as tenacious as a coach for the Jazz...his teams mimicked his personal playing style...tough, rugged, and always prepared...

Not sure how many of the businesses don't file for bankruptcy...hey, how many times did Donny over the years?...I digress... but the word out, is that the car rental company, Hertz, is...hey, that is the one I the complicated method of bankruptcy, they seem to resurrect over time...well, Donny did...

To finish up for the our Mayor Falconer, who released the sanctions (something like that) on the restaurants, retail stores, and for sure...the rush to the beaches...let this gem out 'STAY CLASSY'...must be a play on the flick, Stay Classy, San Diego....the legendary Ron Burgundy (Anchorman)...


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