
Hey all, so the Golf Network decided to air a 'LIVE' golf match...between 4 of the better Pros out there...Rory, DJ, Rickie, and M Wolfe...ah, the last dude, NOT in the same breath...but, what the heck...the thing that got me, was the lack of the characters that the tour has...these are nice guys, but not the personalities that do's OK through...and I did watch some of it...oh yea, the dudes carried their own bags...!...

Later on is a similar event, Tiger, Lefty, and the 2 Qb's, TT and Peyton...I think it shall be more entertaining...just a guess...

Also, somewhat 'LIVE' is the finals of Idol...down to 7...will quickly drop 2...then the last 5 will battle it the production has to scramble to make it a go...very hard to do...this is tonight...expect some Idol alumni to show up and perform, too...not Kelly or Carrie, but it will suffice...yes, I will watch this...hey, the star on the rise, Gabby Barrett, is can judge my judgment...

What on earth is behind Big Orange's attack of Prez O?...he has no clue...and is so embarrassing...every other country laughs at him...I fear at us, too...please please please...he does NOT represent the country...just his little world around him...his two kids, and the...well, you know....VOTE!...we need all of you...

Sara Evans has released an album of covers...seriously some good stuff...not all of them, but the one that she did of the damn good...check it out, kids...iTunes, or wherever...

The casinos are opening up this next our area...can't imagine this being a good thing...every other one armed bandit, will be bingo...

You want some awesome, in a bad way, numbers?...over 100,000 cruise ship workers are stuck out to sea...all over the waters...we still see some ships come into our harbor...dock for a day or two...then get on back sea....oh my...

Of course, the Tony Awards are a no go next month...instead...CBS is going to go with a 'sing along' with the fun, like real fun, flick...'Grease'...where can I get a lyric sheet?...

And yea...we still do not have the 'stimulus' in our account...should I say 'yet?'...see ya in the am...


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