The Great Warmth

So exciting to see the sun pop thru the southern Cali skies yesterday!...even more of it today, as we rejoice!...took a 'legal' bike ride down by the bay, via the bike path...all the way up to the refreshing, kids...the masks adorned, made it a bit more difficult a trek, but to get out and exercise, all worth it...passed by one of the 2 cruise ships docked at the bay...and saw people, still encamped aboard...supposedly Colombians, that can't get back to their homeland...not quarantined...and then, I took some photos of the beautiful water and skyline...

This was the day, that the stimulus checks were to be sent out...and, of course, there was a hang up...Donny felt the need to have his name splattered on, the Treasury Department, ordered it...'they' say the checks will not be delayed due to the addition of his Trump on them...when and if we get one, will be the fastest I will ever cash it...with all that crap on it...ah, bad Horse, very bad, Horse...speaking of that, er, Horse, you can see and judge my finished logo...I like it...and it sticks...

Count number today, Eliz Warren, is adding her name to the list of endorsees...Joe Biden...has the support of them all...and now, we wait for the game to begin...ah, have you seen the Wisconsin results yet?...yea, me neither...hmmm, has Hillary endorsed him yet?...maybe that isn't a good thing...

Around in SD, the Mayor Falconer (sp?)...has announced his goal of 'rounding up' the street people and get them into the Convention Center shelter...thus far, the project has not been accomplished...really really curious if this happens...hey, 'rounding up' is not a good phrase, ever...

Of course, this means nothing in the grand scheme of the last Zoom mtg...when questioned...a member said that they quit watching 'Dancing With The Stars', when Brooke Burke got fired and was replaced by Erin Andrews...totally agree...right LG, er Greyhound?...that nasally voice is so annoying...and Brooke was great...what was the REAL story?...

Snooki's song of the day...'Do You Love Me' by the Dave Clark the British invasion of music in the 60' many of the songs that were charted, were covers from the USA blokes...this is one of them...written by the Motown founder, Berry Gordy...Jr...ha ha...originally for the Temptations...but, cut and extremely made popular by the Contours...which, I like so much more  than the DC V version...'now that I can dance...'...the feller from the PNW feels the Brits did it better...we have a disagreement...and he has the right to be wrong...

This is a first...but, the tank of gas I have in the Lexus, is still at a half full mark...for a month!...and we haven't even driven the other car...yes, when that lease is done...we will be a one horse family...

Our money dude, JJ, suggests that we look into airplane stock...and voila!...a big day for them, this in the Futures...he is amazing at his game...well, if he makes us cash...that is...

Speaking of money...Trump has ordered (again) that we (the USA) quit giving funds to the WHO (World Health Organization)...he has deemed them as part of the virus problem...and not part of the solution...such a lovely guy...

On a very much brighter note...the WNBA...the ladies pro hoops...this Friday is their draft, I believe...and there is much talk that the top 2 picks just very well may be...the gals from the Ducks!....Ionescu and all sports, that have been's too bad that they didn't get the chance to win the championship...

And, I will leave you with this...a spring day, with the Manchester Hyatt, showing support and solidarity...


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