Taking It To The Streets

Top of the morning, to you all...one of the craziest things I have seen during this pandemic...is some of the people, rising UP, and doing the unimaginable...grouping...in mass...and Taking It To The Streets...in protest of the social distancing...the closure of many of the places, that the politicians deem as meeting spots...the protestors deem it inappropriate and want change...hmmm...not now, guys...you are wrong...until we get an inoculation...be patient, my good friends...or, perhaps, the summer...if, in fact, that will help quell what is out in the World...

That song...of the same name of my title for the Blog today, 'Takin' It To The Streets', was a big hit for the famously named 'The Doobie Brothers'...catchy and worthy...of continual play...

Trump has to always find a way to keep himself in the mainstream news...ah, but dang it all...the list of positive stories about him...and the sources are dwindling as to 'who he can trust'...they are all (most!) getting tired of his act...whatever one might call it...anyhoo...he has come up with the idea of banning all immigration into our great country....incapsulate, I guess you would call it...well, he would call it that, if he could come up with the word...I can't believe I am going to say this...but, it might be a good move...hmmm, didn't he already do this?...and forget he did?...

Oil prices have plummeted to below zero...ah, what?...tagging right along with that, are the stock market numbers...geez, I just got me bill from Shell Oil, and guess what it is?...another zero!...nuttin...didn't buy a gallon of petrol in the entire payment period....figure I am like many throughout the world...thus, the oil drop...

In our little town, the 'Bike Mayor' Falconer...has decided to open up some parks today...perhaps the beaches by the end of the week...just as long as the people keep their distancing intact...the parking lots are still closed...so, one must hoof, or bike to them...he got his nickname, as he has overwhelmed downtown with bike lanes...quite often, at the expense of the normal car lanes...we laugh, as way too often, there is nobody in these newly acquired roadways...much worse, I think he travels by limo...ha ha...whatever...

The state of Georgia (Jorja?) has taken the bull by its horns...ah, gosh, sorry 'bout that...and are opening up lots...we need to observe what the effects are of this...watch and listen...

Bosch...you into it yet?...Amazon Prime...we are in season 3...absolutely wonderful series...you must start at the beginning....we do like 2 chapters at a sitting...the series is in season 6 already....have a long way to go, right?...

Snooki's song of the day...'Overjoyed' by Celine Dion and Stevie Wonder...just listening to it...I do recall it after all...nice pick, dude...is it his song?...sounds like it is...

Well, ya, the Horse did make cake donuts yesterday...and they turned out mighty tasty...albeit, looked more like buttermilk bars...ha ha...judge for yourself...shared a couple with our friends, the Mackles...haven't heard back from them, yet...maybe they can't find the words to say what they think...ha ha...


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