the park?
Well now, probably NOT!...Saturday in the we shutter down...listen, kids...I am 100% behind this not cluster!!!...stay safe...just stating it, lead is the song, 'Saturday In The Park' by Chicago...a sign of better times...and listen, we have to have hope...long for what will come...just when?...yup, that is the Q...the difficulty is when the weather breaks...the parks look mighty inviting...right, Oregonians?...this is what you just went through...
News from the government, is that the stimulus checks are to be issued some time next week...or, at least they are to start emerging...perhaps, in your checking account...if you are so set up...if not, it will be a check sent to know the limitations by much your adjusted gross income is and all...I wish they would send out a 20 roll of tp, with it...ha ha...
Staying in government biz...Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, of NY...came out with a statement this am...exactly what I have been telling all of my Horse readers...that in the upcoming election, ah, 2020...we should have vote by mail, perhaps, drop off sites...listen all, if the government can send us ALL census inquiries, they can send out voting ballots...Oregon has been doing it for 29 years...something like that...just ask them how to do it...and yes, bye bye Donny...
HEY, I think the rain spell has broke!...thanks, Mother Nature, we need the sun...badly...yesterday was the worst for us in the GQ...enough already...
Snooki's song of the our fav, in Scaggs...'Georgia'...I know I have said this before, but who on earth, came up with the spelling of George? about J-o-r-j?...then for this song, Jorja...makes more sense to moi...great tune, dude...upbeat, personal best of his, is a cover...'Rainy Night In Georgia'...ah, rainy nite in jorja...I digress...originally done by Brook Benton...
This album of Boz, his a must play on your now, you have dug yours out, right?...there are some great tunes on that vinyl...if you are still in limbo about purchasing have the will be getting some stimulus, pull the trigger....ew, bad description...just do it...
Speaking of that phrase...the ESPN playing of the '05 Masters...where Tiger beat Demarco in a was great viewing...I did not recall it going to OT...just the crazy chip in on #16, where the ball seemingly, hung on the lip...then fell in...played a gazillion times on replay...hey, Demarco played great, and just got beat by the best...
Guess I am into music this am...but a country duo, Maddie and Tae, just released a new is really that the best I can do?...has catchy, funky, groovy licks to it...licks?...hey, just spin it and you will see...hmmm, guess you have to find it on iTunes...or wherever you get your music from...hmmm, I should drop the from...proper English?...
Where are you in Bosch?...mid season 2...wonder how accurate this show is on who rules Vegas?...I have always asked this Q...who actually runs the Native American Casinos?...might it be the same people?...I do NOT know...and it is eerily kept quiet...
We had another wonderful Zoom mtg, with some other is so cool to 'meet up' with them, when we normally would do so, at a dinner is what it is...and a rad method of keeping up...
Finally, it is Easter weekend...the day of Jesus Christ's resurrection...according to the New Testament of the Christian Bible...the name probably came from Eostara, the goddess of rebirth...and there you go...well, not any church...
News from the government, is that the stimulus checks are to be issued some time next week...or, at least they are to start emerging...perhaps, in your checking account...if you are so set up...if not, it will be a check sent to know the limitations by much your adjusted gross income is and all...I wish they would send out a 20 roll of tp, with it...ha ha...
Staying in government biz...Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, of NY...came out with a statement this am...exactly what I have been telling all of my Horse readers...that in the upcoming election, ah, 2020...we should have vote by mail, perhaps, drop off sites...listen all, if the government can send us ALL census inquiries, they can send out voting ballots...Oregon has been doing it for 29 years...something like that...just ask them how to do it...and yes, bye bye Donny...
HEY, I think the rain spell has broke!...thanks, Mother Nature, we need the sun...badly...yesterday was the worst for us in the GQ...enough already...
Snooki's song of the our fav, in Scaggs...'Georgia'...I know I have said this before, but who on earth, came up with the spelling of George? about J-o-r-j?...then for this song, Jorja...makes more sense to moi...great tune, dude...upbeat, personal best of his, is a cover...'Rainy Night In Georgia'...ah, rainy nite in jorja...I digress...originally done by Brook Benton...
This album of Boz, his a must play on your now, you have dug yours out, right?...there are some great tunes on that vinyl...if you are still in limbo about purchasing have the will be getting some stimulus, pull the trigger....ew, bad description...just do it...
Speaking of that phrase...the ESPN playing of the '05 Masters...where Tiger beat Demarco in a was great viewing...I did not recall it going to OT...just the crazy chip in on #16, where the ball seemingly, hung on the lip...then fell in...played a gazillion times on replay...hey, Demarco played great, and just got beat by the best...
Guess I am into music this am...but a country duo, Maddie and Tae, just released a new is really that the best I can do?...has catchy, funky, groovy licks to it...licks?...hey, just spin it and you will see...hmmm, guess you have to find it on iTunes...or wherever you get your music from...hmmm, I should drop the from...proper English?...
Where are you in Bosch?...mid season 2...wonder how accurate this show is on who rules Vegas?...I have always asked this Q...who actually runs the Native American Casinos?...might it be the same people?...I do NOT know...and it is eerily kept quiet...
We had another wonderful Zoom mtg, with some other is so cool to 'meet up' with them, when we normally would do so, at a dinner is what it is...and a rad method of keeping up...
Finally, it is Easter weekend...the day of Jesus Christ's resurrection...according to the New Testament of the Christian Bible...the name probably came from Eostara, the goddess of rebirth...and there you go...well, not any church...