Call me Crazy...ah, H-O-R-S-E, as this actually worked!...ESPN tried a Zoom type of hoops game...one vs one, in a game of HORSE...you shoot, they have to make, if they miss, they get a letter, eventually to spell out, HORSE...and then, whoever gets that, is da loser...c'mon, you know all about the game...started with 8 players of now, and yesteryear...guys and gals...all sequestered, with hoops outside their home...with commentary, in between...it was diversionary fun...the 2nd level is on Thursday, ah, the winners...check it out...some of the 'big' names got whupped, ie, Chris Paul III, Paul Pierce, and Trae Young...

Back in me coaching days, like when I was an assistant...not the boss...I would play the game with players...I always won...they choked...ha ha...the Horse was the HORSE champ...

More disturbing news out of DC...as the hot rumor is that Donny wants to fire Dr Fauci...he just doesn't get it, does he?...how can this guy live with himself?...how many days left, do we have?...is it too early to start the countdown?...

For all the gains that the cruise ship stock made last week in the market, the Futures has them getting slammed this morning...JJ, sell now!...should that be 'have?'...gosh, the language is hard to figure at times...

8 o'clock pm, is the time that the Marina District, where we live...goes crazy with the lights, noise, and praise for the workers that are in the front lines of this horrific virus...last night might have been the loudest thus far...does your area do this?...if not, get it started, kids...some do this at 7 pm...but, be an instigator, if need be...we are all in this together...

Snooki's song of the day...'One Less Day (Dying Young)' by Rob Thomas...hmmm, one that I don't know...think that the only song that I knew of his, was his collaboration (Smooth) with the guitarist, Carlos Santana...Thomas was born in West Germany, and is the lead singer of Matchbox 20...thx, my good fellow from the PNW...

Creativity...I am sure you are doing this also...but, we had a gaggle of lemons...and Marsh made some sugar cookies, with lemon frosting...that are so good, one might think they taste like a lemon cake...there goes me weight loss...this is my lead photo for the day...what say you?...

As per usual, the Master Suduko, kicked my rear yesterday...I always try...

Watched a biography on Dolly Parton last eve...got her big start in Nashville...duh...and she is highly aware of her appearance, and uses it for notoriety...then, expects the peops to realize she is so much more...her song of 'I Will Always Love You', made extremely famous by Whitney Houston, was actually written to say goodbye to her then duet partner, Porter Wagoner, 20 years before Whitney released it...Porter 'found' her, so he thought...my fav hit of hers was 'Here You Come Again'...one of the very few songs, that she didn't write...

First it was toilet paper...which is still hard to find...now, it is said to be hair dye...and hair clippers...listen kids, we need to just all calm down...and not overreact...I guess that is easy to say...

Here we have, the match between Allie Quigley and CP III, ah, Chris Paul...listen, kids, it was fun viewing...I would have never guessed it...never...

And so it goes, 4-13-20...


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