Friday Morsels
The headlines are pretty much the same, this morning...the added commentary, is the number of jobless...another we are mostly shuttered down...must be that the newsies like to see numbers in print...make very easy lead ins...this is nothing new to you or one of the blokes on PTI (Pardon the Interruption), the talkee show on ESPN...Tony Kornheiser, said 'I watch 20 minutes of the news, and that's all I can take...then I watch something else, anything else...''s what I do, too...but, I read me 23 sources in the am, and...get damn depressed...takes me a while, to get going after...
As much as I despise Trump, the addition of his son in law, Jared Kushner, to his 'team'...and to actually allow the bloke to talk to the American a slap in the face to us all...a new low, that only this guy, can pull off...with all the books I have read about this regime, there is not ONE thing good, that has EVER been said about Kushner...not ONE...and this is from a multitude of sources...gosh, I have to get off this...
Let's go to Survivor...ah, the TV's such a relief...this season's group has nuttin' but past, we kind of know them...the inner workings of those who survive, are the same...who lies the best...I guess that is the ticket...anyhoo, the production of the show is top notch...and, I wish they were showing this more than once a week...anybody out there remember Boston Rob?....
Lot's of talk about the they might finish off the season, sooner than time, of course...boarding all the players and staff, in Vegas...doing the playoffs there, with no fans...just televising the games...?...I dunno...wishful thinking, I reckon...
My sketch supplies have, the new hobby will commence...have been wondering about what to draw...fruit, animals, people, scenery?...being a total novice, I am probably gonna try a face...famous person?...or someone, that nobody knows?...ha ha...then, I promise, I will publish it on this blog....this all in lieu of a jigsaw puzzle, that is apparently lost in the mail...
I am writing, and the sun is rising in the wonderful...brings such promise with it...the little things...
We had to venture out to the super...tried you see, we went adorned with masks...I would say that 2/3rds of the shoppers were doing the same...they had everything, but toilet paper and paper, yes, we are set for awhile...I am hearing of others that have had success with delivery services...must be the area, as ours keeps showing 'out of stock' on too many items that are needed...
Why?...when we have gone to other supers, the non-fat milk was always gone...why? Costco had their normal amounts there...makes no sense to me...none...tell me why...
Snooki's song of the day...'Superman (It's Not Easy)' by Five For he said, "it's all about the lyrics...about a hero, that just wants to be normal...for our Drs. and nurses, and all first responders...they are the Supermen and Superwomen!"...well said, I can not add anything else to his description...
Another diversion....a match game proposal in the golfing world...where some can still play (in the desert?)....jealous that I am...Tiger Woods, Lefty Mickleson, Tom Brady, and Peyton fans...a made for TV event...sometime and somewhere in May...with the social distancing and all, would they tote their own bags?...perhaps, have their own cart?...
My often mentioned country sanger, Sara Evans...has done an album of covers...that will be released in it's entirety in May...I think I read that...did release one of it's songs, this morning...'I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry'...kind of eerie, huh...a Hank Williams tune...
We passed by the bakery stuff...and there was this luscious looking tin of cinnamon we are both watching our dietary consumption...NORMALLY it is a sniff and a pass by...nope, not this went into the basket and we will be consuming said product this morning...don't give me any grief...we feel guilty enough...maybe skip our shakes at lunch...then, prepare for the Zoom mtg...later on...bourbon in hand, as yes, I got some Beam there, too...lordy, I was breaking down at Costco...hmmm, it's like I'm in a confessional...
And this...disgusting...the US Navy Captain, that sounded the alarm of his crew that were sick with the virus...his command of an aircraft carrier...was relieved of his duties, by the Navy brass, as dictated by he disembarked, the sailors went ballistic in SUPPORT of him...
Got to finish on a highlight....not that...OK, here I was flipping thru the channels, happened on TVG....the horse racing one...VOILA!...there was this hoss, that was named 'Pete's Play Call' ....put $2 across the board...and yes, kids...a solid winner...more money in my account....
Now, a walk and then...a cinnamon roll!....
As much as I despise Trump, the addition of his son in law, Jared Kushner, to his 'team'...and to actually allow the bloke to talk to the American a slap in the face to us all...a new low, that only this guy, can pull off...with all the books I have read about this regime, there is not ONE thing good, that has EVER been said about Kushner...not ONE...and this is from a multitude of sources...gosh, I have to get off this...
Let's go to Survivor...ah, the TV's such a relief...this season's group has nuttin' but past, we kind of know them...the inner workings of those who survive, are the same...who lies the best...I guess that is the ticket...anyhoo, the production of the show is top notch...and, I wish they were showing this more than once a week...anybody out there remember Boston Rob?....
Lot's of talk about the they might finish off the season, sooner than time, of course...boarding all the players and staff, in Vegas...doing the playoffs there, with no fans...just televising the games...?...I dunno...wishful thinking, I reckon...
My sketch supplies have, the new hobby will commence...have been wondering about what to draw...fruit, animals, people, scenery?...being a total novice, I am probably gonna try a face...famous person?...or someone, that nobody knows?...ha ha...then, I promise, I will publish it on this blog....this all in lieu of a jigsaw puzzle, that is apparently lost in the mail...
I am writing, and the sun is rising in the wonderful...brings such promise with it...the little things...

Why?...when we have gone to other supers, the non-fat milk was always gone...why? Costco had their normal amounts there...makes no sense to me...none...tell me why...
Snooki's song of the day...'Superman (It's Not Easy)' by Five For he said, "it's all about the lyrics...about a hero, that just wants to be normal...for our Drs. and nurses, and all first responders...they are the Supermen and Superwomen!"...well said, I can not add anything else to his description...
Another diversion....a match game proposal in the golfing world...where some can still play (in the desert?)....jealous that I am...Tiger Woods, Lefty Mickleson, Tom Brady, and Peyton fans...a made for TV event...sometime and somewhere in May...with the social distancing and all, would they tote their own bags?...perhaps, have their own cart?...
My often mentioned country sanger, Sara Evans...has done an album of covers...that will be released in it's entirety in May...I think I read that...did release one of it's songs, this morning...'I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry'...kind of eerie, huh...a Hank Williams tune...

And this...disgusting...the US Navy Captain, that sounded the alarm of his crew that were sick with the virus...his command of an aircraft carrier...was relieved of his duties, by the Navy brass, as dictated by he disembarked, the sailors went ballistic in SUPPORT of him...
Got to finish on a highlight....not that...OK, here I was flipping thru the channels, happened on TVG....the horse racing one...VOILA!...there was this hoss, that was named 'Pete's Play Call' ....put $2 across the board...and yes, kids...a solid winner...more money in my account....
Now, a walk and then...a cinnamon roll!....