
Perhaps, paranoia is a better word...the fear of the unknown...or is it known?...this virus has the country on edge...most of what is coming out of the leaders throughout the to STAY in Cali, the Governor has ordered the bars to close...restaurants to have limits to the numbers one can serve...and the seniors with like any symptoms, to be self quarantined...much like other states are already doing, or will soon...

We ventured out to the grocery store yesterday afternoon...apparently a poor time to do so...much of the stock was simply GONE...bare shelves...taters, eggs, pasta, meats...really, joke...the checker thanked me for bagging our food items, and I told her, 'thanks for having some food'...the line of people laughed, which was not my intention, as I was serious!...she responded, ' we close at 8 and at 8...we will be ready''s a tough time for us all...

I have canceled my golf for the day...maybe, for the week...and just watch and listen to what is happening...closures, which I have been writing about for a bit, is all but very common place...these mandates about numbers gathering...have you seen the videos of the NUMBERS at airports, like in Chicago?...

Vegas is following all of the MGM properties are closing down temporarily on, the one we always stay at, the Mirage...really, it is most of the strip...I'm sure that the entire area will compliance...for how long? is another, wait and see...

Somehow there is a primary election going on for tomorrow, too...not sure how that works...4 the Demo side is still in doubt, maybe...

Last eve's debate, was seemingly clear for moi, who was the victor...Joe Biden...and I think it is about time for the party to unite and get on with it...but, I could be wrong...

Well now...time for us all to stay put...let the days the tele, old flicks, read some books...and


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