What the?

I have been reading so many of the 'experts' take on last nite's Vegas Demo debate...who won, who lost, and who was improving...ah, what the?...we watched it all...and, of course, we (er, I) have a takeaway from the couple of hours of babble...dang, gave a way my finality...the short version, is that there were 6 left to discuss why they should be the nominee...with a newbie, included, for the very first time...Mike Bloomberg...the stage was set, and the gloves came off in the first few moments...

These other 5 don't have much regard for Bloomberg...in fact, they near detest the bloke...Eliz Warren, was the first attacker, and was spot on...loaded with info to just about dethrone any notion of him figuring in...as I had given her the boot, prior to the debate...I am rescinding that, and she still lingers in and on...good showing me lady...

Bloomberg was just plain awful...can't put it any other way...'money talks' so it is said, well, this buck had nothing to say...backed in a corner, and he had no punch to get himself out of it...too many skeletons and POOF, he should be gone...

Joe Biden, was he there?...as much as I want to like him...he gives us little to chew on...on the other hand, maybe that's a good thing...be the fly in the corner...

Bernie...gosh, he has given us all his ideas...for the past 4 years, right?...nuttin' different...and can he withstand the 'socialist' tab?...will the Demos vote for his self acclaimed moniker?...

Mayor Pete...?...his attacking Amy was out of line...and more importantly, why?...she is at the bottom of the heap...kick her completely out?...so, then he is at the bottom?...I found him disgusting and he needs to go...how do I really feel?...ha ha...

Amy was not as dynamic as in the last debate...and her having to spend a goodly amount of air time defending herself from frivolous comments by Mayor Pete...it kind of took them both down...sorry, Amy, but it's the truth...

So...who won?...this round went to Elizabeth...who lost?...Mike, for sure...in a big way...

To be fair and impartial...ha ha ha...Trump held a rally in 'Zona...he ranted and raved and had trouble speaking coherently...which makes me wonder 'how can people buy into this delivery'...'and substance?'...and let out this bit of info...that he would 'pardon' Roger Stone...

Yes, the bloke who will get his prison sentence today....yup, he was the mastermind of a couple of Trump's sayings and slogans in the last election...'lock her up' and 'build the wall', were two of his best hits...er, worst hits...that Donnie tagged as his own...yea, that guy...

It's off to Vegas, baby...for a jaunt in the sin city...gonna take in Cher...'Half Breed'...well, I am more 5/8ths...


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