The Show

The one thing that I can say about the Senate Show, er Trial, is that redundancy reigns supreme...both many ways can one say the same thing?...or, the cast of 'lawyers' repeating their case over and over and over...same with the House of Rep Monitors...guess it has to be filling in the time slot they were given, in the original rules of the Show, er Trial...

The revelation of John Bolton throws a big wrench in the defense...maybe...of course, that leads to the real first topic...are there going to be witnesses or not?...takes at least 4 of the Repubs to bolt from the vote that more needs to be KNOW that there is big pressure from the White House to squash any notion of this...they even had one of their Senators warn of changing from the blockade...that those who do, will pay the price...good lord...political is termed...

Should be an interesting day at the Show...the defense will rest...the Senators will mull the much of the Bolton Book will be out and read?...listen kids...the defense basically said that it needed to be done, cuz Biden's son was in the wrong...what?...the quid pro quo was justified...give me a break...calm down Horse...

Let's just watch the government work as it shall...


Was watching the TWolves and the Kings play an NBA game out of Minneeeeesssoota....could NOT believe what I saw...the Wolves were up by 15 with 2 minutes to go...and BLEW IT!...Sac won in OT!...geez, I had a team do the same, up 10 with a minute and half to go...and lost it...never seen the likes of it...and at that time, there was no 3 point line...I was not a tame Horse at the end of it...more like lame...

You into this season's Bachelor?...good lord, it is a classic...Peter, the know, he was the chosen one off the last Bachelorette...ah, the windmill guy....ha ha...he is a kid in a lots of trouble...too many ladies to choose from...and, of course, he, like so many in the past, keeps picking the villain...and the others are revolting...hey, you must turn it is like real fun...and funny at the same time...Mondays on ABC...

Coronavirus...still not sure what the heck it is, or how it started...but, it be from China, I guess...and NOBODY wants any flights from there, going anywhere...

The Futures say that today will be a rebound day...after the Monday swoon...don't tell me that you understand the why's...

The kids went on a bike ride yesterday...been a bit...can't believe the building going on...especially where we travel...there is an amphitheater going up on the bay...a new restaurant on the rise on the harbor...and for the short cut back, another hotel constructed and the road be least for bikers...yet, it was beautiful out and the jaunt was so pretty...what was odd, was that we only saw a couple of homeless...

This just out from the Iranian leader, Hassan Rouhani...'the current U.S. Government is the worst in America's history'...hmmm...

Sure seems like the Sooper Bowl has been placed on the down low...with the tragedy in you go...I have the Chiefs in a 2 TD win over the 49ers...the line, however, is but ONE...I know nuttin'....

For you Padre much hoopla about trading for a star out of Bosox, Mookie Betts...gonna happen?...for Will Myers and others...and we have to eat a lot of his contract...Wil's...which is the Padre mantra...we are paying for many players that we no longer have...when people talk about the genius GM AJ, I just laugh a good one...

OK, then...have a terrific Tuesday...


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