The Drone Attack

Just what is he doing now? 'he', I mean Trump...for sure, as you know by now...that is a very questionable thought...the authorization of the killing of a general in the Iranian a Drone Strike...the word may be 'justifiable? Iraq...let's explore...

Because we have no 'Fire side chats'...'State of the Union addresses' know where I am going with sit down by the President...and talk to the Nation...we are left with messaging via the web net, thru Tweets...there are no more press conferences by anyone in his cabinet...NONE! WE are left in the dark...what is really going on?...are we to trust what he does?...cuz, we have no idea what he is saying...

Are you worried about escalation of violence, like a retaliation, from Iran?...hmmm...did Trump factor that in when he ordered the strike? do we know?...does he have a plan?...many, are fearing just uptick in the skirmish with that country...think about this...they already have that feeling in their system...Death to can't be worse...

You must have the question about 'why' we are in that region in the first, and last, place?...oil...duh...some may say to help protect there another reason?....if so, let me know, cuz, I can't think of another...therefore, we have military stationed throughout the help protect the first two mentioned, and those who will support our being there...confusing? top it off, the other countries there...don't want us anywhere close...ah ha, the conflict stated in one paragraph...

This killing has our country on alert...Trump did not ask Congress for the OK...he must have felt it was war worthy and was good for the defense of the that the only way he can authorize the strike? per usual, I don't know what he can or can't do...'trust us'...

Much like a horrible golfer that has no chance of hitting the green...might miss 45 straight times, but some how hits it this the culmination of the foreign policy of Trump, too?...did something right, once?...

I am at a loss, as to whether or not...the actions of him was correct...maybe so...yes, I said may have been the opportunity that he couldn't pass also could be a diversion that he thinks he so desperately take the USA's minds off of his pending Impeachment Trial...much like what Clinton did when he was facing the same predicament...Michael Moore, posted an attack 'we' made, er Clinton authorized, in Iraq, ironically...deja vu?...

So now we wait...what will happen next?...are we waiting for impending doom?...if you read the news from may think so...I don't know...I never know...and neither do you...cuz, we are in the dark...

Does this action divide our Country even more than it is now? I have read my 23 sources today, I am witnessing so many skeptical writers...treading water they don't know...the impact of the strikes...I am so surprised by the lack of taking sides on it...looks like, we are ALL just waiting...



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