An first time at the Rose be fair, an antiquated structure of yon ago...the chairs reminded me of a cheap airplane...ah, little leg room...but...the layout was way was gradually arisen from the ground...much different from modern day buildings, that go straight up...the Bowl itself, is down in a valley...adjacent to a golf course...where the abundance of the parking was done...the hub of countless tailgaters...all fan-tastic and well structured...when you are hosting 90,000 folks...there must be space...for them to congregate and wonder about...done...
Of course, the worst the departing of the many people trying to git out after the's dark and there are very few markers or flashlight toting worker bees...took us at least 45 minutes to clear the golf course...such as it is...
The better adjective than 'terrific!'...the Wisconsin Badgers came in least half of the 90 grand were in bright red....the PNW Oregonians were as well represented...and I saw very little , if none, altercations between the two...just people supporting their teams...way cool...
The Ducks won...28-27...nail biter for the best way to describe the win...4 turnovers by the Badgers, paved the way to the UO Wisconsin controlled the ball, seemingly 75% of the time...but, the aggressive D by the Ducks set the table...for the 3 running TD's by the QB Herbert...
The season...11 wins...with but two all accounts, a near miraculous one...and for those of us who have followed it...highly satisfying...we be proud...the coaching?...outside of the occasional questionable O was a dandy and superior year...

Will I do it again?...probably not...there are things that I have wanted to do forever...reminding me of my Uncle Irving, who quite often went to the Rose Bowl...all by himself...he was a sports nut...just a sidelight here...pictured here are a couple of the dudes...well, Snooki and the Horse...
Well, we are back...and have the experience cradled in our brains, like forever...worth it?...of course...let's get into 2020...
Ah, can't believe I passed on this, in the am...but the Futures were WAY UP!...why oh why?...
Happy New Year!...
Of course, the worst the departing of the many people trying to git out after the's dark and there are very few markers or flashlight toting worker bees...took us at least 45 minutes to clear the golf course...such as it is...
The better adjective than 'terrific!'...the Wisconsin Badgers came in least half of the 90 grand were in bright red....the PNW Oregonians were as well represented...and I saw very little , if none, altercations between the two...just people supporting their teams...way cool...
The Ducks won...28-27...nail biter for the best way to describe the win...4 turnovers by the Badgers, paved the way to the UO Wisconsin controlled the ball, seemingly 75% of the time...but, the aggressive D by the Ducks set the table...for the 3 running TD's by the QB Herbert...
The season...11 wins...with but two all accounts, a near miraculous one...and for those of us who have followed it...highly satisfying...we be proud...the coaching?...outside of the occasional questionable O was a dandy and superior year...

Will I do it again?...probably not...there are things that I have wanted to do forever...reminding me of my Uncle Irving, who quite often went to the Rose Bowl...all by himself...he was a sports nut...just a sidelight here...pictured here are a couple of the dudes...well, Snooki and the Horse...
Well, we are back...and have the experience cradled in our brains, like forever...worth it?...of course...let's get into 2020...
Ah, can't believe I passed on this, in the am...but the Futures were WAY UP!...why oh why?...
Happy New Year!...