Number 1
It has taken 25 years for a single to hit number 1...on the pop charts...what?...ah, kids, 'tis the season...and we are all listening to Christmas Music...well, many of us...surely, one of the best of them all, is Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas Is You'...that's the, number one...I have enjoyed many in the past couple of weeks...however...couple that song, with it's video...smashing success, a quarter of a century after it was made...truly...amazing...
The polls of what is happening in DC are all over the place...almost bewildering and bizarre at the same time...who believes what?...who wants Impeachment?...who would vote for whom?...on and on...I still go back to this...have you ever been contacted and been part of one of them polls?...right, me neither...
The reality is...that the Reps and Senators should be back in their states...talking to their constituents and finding what their thoughts formulate how they SHOULD vote on the upcoming such Rep, from Jersey, described what she has been up to in the past couple of months...doing just that...attending over 13 town halls with her people, to advise her of their feelings...then, making the decision of her people and their precinct...think that happens much?...doubt it...
Today is, or may be, a very telling time for this regime...have you heard of this?...mass demonstrations are planned for the people to support the Impeachment of Trump...for cities throughout the country...I must tell you that I haven't heard a lot of info on the marches...wonder how this will unfurl? I have said so often lately, I am going to watch how all this plays out...
As tomorrow is the day of vote on Impeachment in the full House of Representatives...Two Articles there of...if it or they pass, then off the process goes to the Senate for a trial...if you would believe the leaders of the Senate, which are Republicans, it will be a swift acquittal of Trump...rumors abound that NO people will be called to testify...not sure how this is truly called a trial...but, again,'s up to us to watch our government at work, as it shall...
If there was a poll that showed this...I would love many of the voting people of the country are actually following all of this? many really know what is going on?...or, actually really care?...are some blindly supporting their party?...I think this is greater than one would think...thus, altering the reality of the polling...I am guessing...
What?...that whole last paragraph would have got me a 'D' in my sophomore English class (Mrs. Taubman)...maybe, even failure...ah, just read it wasn't that bad...a 'C'...yea, she woulda flunked moi...
For some reason, this NFL season is seemingly long and many games are they into it now?...cut it immediately, and start the playoffs...TOO many regular season frays...
I have this bloody weather station's cool looking and all...shows the temps in and out...forecasts the upcoming days...all good stuff...terrific lighting and pictures...and also has the date and time...UNFORTUNATELY, it also has an alarm clock in it...what?...that goes off at 3 in the morning...the thang came with Japanese language, to alter the alarm, is like a Perry Mason, who done it caper...gone on the Amazon no avail...then, tried the You, the manipulator I have in me...decides to reprogram the damn's hoping...kind of reminds me of the Seinfeld episode with the handheld organizers that wouldn't stop chirping....'War, hooooh, what is it good for, absolutely nuttin...'...the Elaine character...
Speaking of the weather...down here in South SoCal, there is a prognostication of rain for the week of much, and how often, still in doubt...and a major concern...
I think I am done with my Christmas shopping...thank goodness for Amazon...the Q is this...if you have the present in the Amazon box, do you have to unwrap it and put it in pretty paper?...or, just put the package as is, under the tree?...I mean, who doesn't like the brown paper, with the funky mail stamps adoring the package?...seems to work for Tom Terrific...
'It's a marshmallow world in the city...'...what on earth does that mean?...written in '49...Bing sang it first, but like so many of the Xmas tunes...there are hundreds of covers it...Darlene Love's version is great...and who can fuggit the collaboration of Regis Philbin and Steve Tyrell on that song...ah, BTW, it was about snow and NOT Xmas...whatever, you can think what you want...I think of Christmas when I hear it...
The polls of what is happening in DC are all over the place...almost bewildering and bizarre at the same time...who believes what?...who wants Impeachment?...who would vote for whom?...on and on...I still go back to this...have you ever been contacted and been part of one of them polls?...right, me neither...
The reality is...that the Reps and Senators should be back in their states...talking to their constituents and finding what their thoughts formulate how they SHOULD vote on the upcoming such Rep, from Jersey, described what she has been up to in the past couple of months...doing just that...attending over 13 town halls with her people, to advise her of their feelings...then, making the decision of her people and their precinct...think that happens much?...doubt it...
Today is, or may be, a very telling time for this regime...have you heard of this?...mass demonstrations are planned for the people to support the Impeachment of Trump...for cities throughout the country...I must tell you that I haven't heard a lot of info on the marches...wonder how this will unfurl? I have said so often lately, I am going to watch how all this plays out...
As tomorrow is the day of vote on Impeachment in the full House of Representatives...Two Articles there of...if it or they pass, then off the process goes to the Senate for a trial...if you would believe the leaders of the Senate, which are Republicans, it will be a swift acquittal of Trump...rumors abound that NO people will be called to testify...not sure how this is truly called a trial...but, again,'s up to us to watch our government at work, as it shall...
If there was a poll that showed this...I would love many of the voting people of the country are actually following all of this? many really know what is going on?...or, actually really care?...are some blindly supporting their party?...I think this is greater than one would think...thus, altering the reality of the polling...I am guessing...
What?...that whole last paragraph would have got me a 'D' in my sophomore English class (Mrs. Taubman)...maybe, even failure...ah, just read it wasn't that bad...a 'C'...yea, she woulda flunked moi...
For some reason, this NFL season is seemingly long and many games are they into it now?...cut it immediately, and start the playoffs...TOO many regular season frays...
I have this bloody weather station's cool looking and all...shows the temps in and out...forecasts the upcoming days...all good stuff...terrific lighting and pictures...and also has the date and time...UNFORTUNATELY, it also has an alarm clock in it...what?...that goes off at 3 in the morning...the thang came with Japanese language, to alter the alarm, is like a Perry Mason, who done it caper...gone on the Amazon no avail...then, tried the You, the manipulator I have in me...decides to reprogram the damn's hoping...kind of reminds me of the Seinfeld episode with the handheld organizers that wouldn't stop chirping....'War, hooooh, what is it good for, absolutely nuttin...'...the Elaine character...
Speaking of the weather...down here in South SoCal, there is a prognostication of rain for the week of much, and how often, still in doubt...and a major concern...
I think I am done with my Christmas shopping...thank goodness for Amazon...the Q is this...if you have the present in the Amazon box, do you have to unwrap it and put it in pretty paper?...or, just put the package as is, under the tree?...I mean, who doesn't like the brown paper, with the funky mail stamps adoring the package?...seems to work for Tom Terrific...
