It's a Rebound

My sense of what really goes on behind closed doors...when the Repubs gather and have their scotch and bourbons...the small talk...the hush hush...well now, it became a big stage event in the NATO gatherings of the countries LEADERS!...what I thought they must be saying and mimicking...about OUR Prez...making mockery of the's one thing to fool a political band of US peops, but the rest of the World...says 'no way...not them'...the picture of the OTHER countries heads...Canada, Britain, France...and was that Germany, too?...and others...jesting about the American...makes me cringe...figure it out Repubs...while you have a chance...
On our soil...the House continues it's next phase of Impeachment today...more clarification...the quid pro quo, the obstruction of justice...and quite frankly, the obliteration of the use of the Trump sees, saw it...will the Republicans continue his defense?...knowing full well, that the rest of the World finds derision in the leadership that is in place...
It's on the pixels and I will turn it on soon...gosh, is there a semblance to the Nixon travesty?...perhaps, but somehow, Trump has rallied the Congressional Repubs around him...that Nixon did not...guess, that is the dissimilarity...and we get to see the way it works...
A terrific piece written by Joe Biden about Kamala Harris...this after she suspended her campaign for the oh man, it would be nice to return to class acts...again...and rid ourselves of the embarrassment that permeates the White House, presently...
Did you see the dunk by the Beard in the Rocket/Spur game last eve?...well, it shall be replayed a thousand times today...the refs called it no it whipped thru the net and then tried to go again...thought to myself, hope there is not a rule that makes it so...there isn' much for instant replay...or, is that not covered?....ah, Houston lost, too...went to OT...
The BSBCS...or whatever it is called now...stayed the same...with Utah and Oklahoma waiting for a misstep...the Friday Utes/Ducks game is huge for Pac 12...well, both Utah and Oregon, too...the Rose Bowl awaiting...or the Alamo in San Antonio...even, the Holiday Bowl in SD...selfishly, I would like UO to come to the is Friday...and the line has the Utes by 7...
Hey, how are your numbers in your web net mail box on advertising?...I get about 20 a day...and another 5 in the real mail box you read them?...or, just delete 'em?...
The Masters...adding a new correspondent to their telecast...Michele Wie...this is cool...have no idea if she is going be a successful addition...but, I like the idea of it all...let's see how this works...ah, BTW, is the current fav Tiger?...
What a great day for starting an Xmas jigsaw puzzle...which I did yesterday...2000 pieces...oh my...hard enough trying to find and connect the border pieces...this COULD take me all month...
Have a warm and cozy day...