
Can't believe it's been that long since that song 'Fallin' was a hit...2001...A Space Odyssey, nope, not that...but 18+ years ago...by Alicia Keys...just lurved it and still do...but my reference is really to the present inhabitant of the White House...as the 'live' part of the inquiry is upon us...the House doing it's duty to present the facts, not only to the committee, but to the viewing public...

Well now, if you can believe what he says (ha!), Trump bellowed out that he hasn't watched a minute of the proceedings...unfortunately for him, the first two witnesses came in with impeccable credentials...think about that for just a moment...compare the backgrounds of them and Trump...just what are we doing here?...

The men and 1 woman, that have chosen to represent the accused...makes me wonder, why would they?...listen, the quid pro quo, he already admitted to it...along with others in HIS camp...these Republicans must feel that they will get some notoriety out of this...exposure...something...no bigger an example than the Rep out of Ohio...where he is embattled himself...Jim Jordan...apparently the head of the minority group...tried in vain to minimize the key witness, Bill Taylor...suggesting that he was 'the best they had'...as one of the committee, responded, 'no, the best one would be Donald J Trump...bring him in here'...well, not the exact words...but, dang close...

While this was going on, what was happening in the White House?...obviously, no television screens carrying the proceedings (see above Terrump comment)...he was hosting the Prez of Turkey...say what?...the bloke who just had his military bomb the area in Syria that Trump had our troops pull out of...I can't make this stuff up...had to be fun for that guy, watching the spectacle of the US Prez under fire with his OWN people...

So, what do we HAVE here?...the one and only stumbling part of the testimonies...is that the verbiage is second hand...hmmm, well, the guy that may change all this...is one who was there...Sonland (Sondland!)...hear me out...this is a game changer...day 2...what will be in it?...

Finished the book by John Grisham...'The Guardians'...in like 2 days...yup, it got me...and I whizzed thru it...now, I don't want to give the story away...but...it did make me wonder about the prison system that we have throughout our country...how they are run...how vulnerable the security is...what can and can not be done in them...so much scary stuff...the book is based on an actual case...did I get you yet?...worth the bucks, kids...

Taped the Country Awards thing...but, did read the reviews about it...a major flaw in the airwaves that play the country music...is the male domination of songs that one hears...near dramatic difference...back when, it was payola...cash to stations to play certain music...hmmm, is that practice dead?...have to admit, on a very limited polling...ah, me...I listen more to the gals...but, its what I buy, and not the stations...unless I go to Pandora...and create my own station...an example...Garth Brooks won entertainer of the year...have you ever gone to a Carrie Underwood Concert?...no match, kids...to be fair, I have not gone to a Brooks one...and she had played through the country this past year...booooooo...

Nothing like a jiggling of our front door...like someone is trying to break in...or down...as I sprint to it, spy through the peephole...and see a bloke with a plaid shirt run off....by the time I open the door, he is gone...'sorry'...he said...and we think it was the guy on the opposite corner of the building...whatever...lock your doors, people...just in case...

Some hoops...was doing some channel surfing...when was that last used?...channel surfing?...came upon a college game...Evansville and Kentucky...David and Goliath...as Evansville knocked off the #1 team in the land...not a fan of the Wildcat coach Calipari...and the Lake Show beating someone...hey, I don't like 'em...and pull against them...and then the oddest of them all...the Clip Joint at Houston...as Coach Rivers gets tossed at the end of it...as his son, now playing for the Rockets...the opponent...points at him to get a T...claps when he gets the heave ho...and then makes a gesture to call him later...WTH?...would Cris do that to moi?...nope...Marsh said he would...

Time for some grub...and turn on the pixels...


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