Day 4- The Inquiry

No bigger testimony than the day 4 witness...get used to this it will be etched in the history books and the pixels, forever...Gordon Sondland...that is, if he condemns the present inhabitant of the White House...for whatever one wants to call it...bribery, extortion, or the Constitution's phrase, quid pro quo...first hand knowledge?...of course...just like yesterday's 3 of 4 witnesses were....

Yes, it will be a wait and see...what Sondland says...if much speculation that he might go the 'pleading the 5th' route...or, will he be candid, and tell the world what was really going on?...time will tell us...make, that, Sondland will tell us...or not...think Donny is watching today?...or Mitch or Lindsey?...and if the hammer comes down...will the Republicans bail?...or is that bale?...I dunno...Madam Butterfly, what say you?...

Lost in the commotion of the DC truth serums...the Demo Candy peops are having a debate this about bad timing...they do NOT need one right now....cuz, the stage is all about the so called 'perfect call' that Trump made...they do not have to do anything else...let this thing play itself out...let it simmer, then come back and enter the limelight....or, is that spotlight?...MB, me English is taking a hit today...

What a dramatic story about Lt Col Vindland...did you follow it?...once a Russian, and the family became Americans...and he became a solid soldier in the US of A...impeccable standards of a man...kind of made the ridiculous comments by a few of the Repubs, trying to shame him...a travesty...'why would you wear that uniform to this inquiry?...I was a soldier, too'....good lord, dude...get this...he now has to have 24 hour security for him and his family...and the Army says that they may have to relocate him and want some gibberish that is out there?...find the comments by Donny Jr about the Lt Col...

JUST saw what Sondland has is DEVASTATING to Trump...names names...'he was acting on behalf of the ORDERS of the President'...I am taking a break to watch more...that is going on RIGHT now as I am writing...pause...gosh...!!!!...his statement could not be anymore damning to he said that 'Giuliani acted on orders of Trump, and there was for sure, a quid pro quo...'....the questions by the committee to commence soon...oh my...'everyone was in the loop!!!!!'...

We need to just see where all this goes...

Sharks!...switching gears the coast of North Carolina...the numbers are off the charts...why?...which is the Q...great whites, too...another example of 'global warming?'...I dunno...alarming? bet, if one is a surfer and well...all of mankind...why is this happening?...

Number 6 and stable...the rank of the UO Ducks nationally...and in the BSBCS poll, too...seems about right...for now...if the Ducks run the table...then that ranking may change...and that's why, kids, they play the games...

I'm back to watching the pixels...

And one more thing...missing this Tweets coming from the White House...!!!...


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