Oh My Gosh

Gosh?...by golly?...hey kids, how are ya'll doing?...a splendid nite of sleep for moi, and I am ready to go...I have to start with the mess in the Middle East...the latest from the battle lines in Syria...as Turkey is in their 2nd day of attacking the area...after Trump pulled our troops out...and created a backlash from his devoted crew in Congress...duo, really, McConnell and Graham...

Regardless of party lines...I have great fear of having this bloke at the helm, calling any shots of our military...he has so much going on in his defense of his presidency, that he mustn't be the one that affects so many people in that area, with his rash decisions...or, compromises...whatever he is doing...what will happen to the people, is a cry for humanitarians throughout the world...oh my gosh, maybe everywhere...

The obstruction of justice is now legendary...or, is it more a crack in the judicial system that was set up as the country was founded?...to be able to tell Congress, that he will block anyone from talking...is this not obstruction?...what can they do?...supposedly, they could lock up those who refuse to testify...has this ever been done?...listen, for all of us, just watching...and taking in the drama that Trump unfolds...on a daily basis...we must be able to do something...

What will happen next?...oh my gosh...we are in uncharted waters...as he is testing the country's laws...blatant disregard for the government, and shouting out 'executive privilege' as often as he can...one could call it a circus, but that would give it injustice...I say this, we are past party lines, kids...way past party lines...and if YOU think HE is representing the Repubs, you are wrong...he is only representing HIMSELF...when will the leaders finally admit this?...I think sooner than you think...

So, we watch the debacle...read the Tweetstorms...listen to the rants and raves of the bloke...turn on the pixels, it's all out there....

Oh my gosh, you must have missed my message, while we were trekking about...ha ha...


Win or tie...that's the only thing that is acceptable in LaLa Land, when it comes to the Bums...er, Dodgers...who had an exceptional regular season...winning over 100 games...what we wouldn't do for that down here in SD...but, to be knocked out of the Natty League's finals...well, that just won't do for the locals...so odd, as the team blacks out much of the city to televise their games...hmmm...hey, they got beat, er ousted, in an OT game...where one of the dominant pitchers in the game, for like a decade...came in as a reliever, and didn't produce...Clayton Kershaw...who has a rep as a 'choker' in the playoffs...gave up back to back dingers...and momentum shifted to the Nats...and now, the talk begins...fire...trade...hey, we'll take him...

The collegiates...Oregon, SDSU, and the Beavs...WINNERS!...its cool, huh...my highly respected PNW 'expert' of them Ducks...thought that UO should have been better in their win over the Cal Bears...hmmm, for whatever reason...can we score more?...the line is 20 1/2 over the visiting Buffaloes this Friday...can we score 20 points in any game?...the Aztecs should win...wait, what?...and the Beavs are dawgs against Utah...now, this is a super test for OSU...good luck all!...


I was asked about my writings...'not many people read you...does that bother you?'...what?...if just one person does, I am happy...

Oh my gosh, I hope the country has a better day...today...10-10-19...


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