MAX, Where Are You?
Seemingly lost in the news sources throughout this land, shoot, this the whereabouts of the newbie aircraft that was supposed to replace old flying machines...the Boeing Max 737's...after two horrific crashes and loss of lives...which terrified the people...and those who decide whether or not they shall be in the sky...the Maxes were grounded...a number of reasons for that, emerged...there was a patch that the pilots should have been aware of...was the most damning piece of info, that was released to the, who really knows?...a software glitch, so it is said...
So, they have been sitting...somewhere...Southwest Air invested in a bunch of 'em...awaiting the cure needed, to use them again...what have we heard?...not much...somehow, there is a movement to get them back up and running before THIS year is done...what?...we have just two months left...ah, check out the type of airplane you are scheduled to ride prior to buying that ticket, kids...scares the hell outta moi...listen, before they get the OK to fly, release ALL the info to the insure that the plane you (we) are on are 100% SAFE...
How about this...there is a hearing going on right now with the BOEING CEO Dennis Muilenburg, over the company mistakes that led to the fatal the Senate Commerce Committee....who'd a thunk...the Horse ahead of the news...
Yesterday was an unbelievable date for me Blog...the numbers were off my charts...441!...not really sure the reason...could it be the title, that triggered the interest?...'Reality?' that a catch word or phrase that shoots out into the web net, and draws the hits?...I dunno...but, if it is a first time for you reading...please join me on a daily basis...I appreciate it and let me know what ya'll think...
More drama in Alexander Vindman, NSC's top Ukraine set to talk to the House...reportedly to tell what he heard in the Trump quid pro quo tele call...of course, the name calling and belittling is about to commence...from the opposition...or, has it already started on Twitter?...
Nancy Pelosi is calling for the next step in the impeachment process...this was my breaking news, yesterday afternoon...the full House of Reps will vote Thursday...which, I believe, if successful, leads to public testimony...da dah da dah da dah....
One of my fav days of the year for the so many of the shows have their hosts dress in the creativity...and how it takes our minds off of 'reality'...there is that word again...Kelly and Ryan are up there as the best of...but, really, it is all over the channels...enjoy...
We are not getting those horrific Santa Ana winds in San Diego...but, just north if us, they are...fueling a deadly fire in, if it can burn, it brittle, as I keep tellin' ya...25 million (?) in jeopardy! that what I heard?...'s been at least 45+ years that I have been wearing the flip flops when the weather goes warm...and each and every summer back in Oregon, I would get the cracked heals...the fall would come, I would put regular tennies back on...and voila, the problem solved...down here in SoCal, it is always summer I always wear the flip flops...ah, long story...for the 1st time ever, I went to a podiatrist...who said my feet were off the he scraped and sanded was incredible...and yes, the Horse, is now on the road to recovery and smooth heals...gosh, and had to rid my selves of all the floppers that I owned, and got ones that ease my feet, and not hurt them....$$...
The World Series is now back in Texas...will the pattern of only visitors winning continue?...unbelievably, the elite pitcher, Justin Verlander, is going for his FIRST WS win...has lost 5, I the Astros need a W to seal it up...kind of pulling for him and them...
The Chargers won a game...the star QB Rivers got in a heated exchange with the HC along the way...and today, the club fired the offensive coordinator...ah, the reason for the spat?...hate the Bolts...not true, hate the owner...
OK, for those of you who have been following me for years...the ongoing coffee issue...I have determined that the Keurig is way too expensive (the pods are)...and the coffee is not hot enough for moi...once I run out of the current stock, I am off for the thermal real coffee maker...yes, everyone I know (except my son) uses the Keurig...I guess that's not everyone then...I digress...
Just ordered a Capresso...grind and brew from Wayfair...half off...we'll see...
Khloe is upset with THIS is news...and Dolly wanted Miley to play her...not THIS is news...
You ever heard of a Vixen motorhome before?...popular and made in the late 80's...hmmm, no clue...
Finally, 'Your So Vain'...popularized by the incredible Caryl Simon...well, the song could NOW pertain to the hoopster, LeBron he was seen in his last game, pulling up his fake hair...ha ha...did you know that when I type hoopster, my Mac wants to replace that with hipster...whatever...
Gotta go and grease me heals...ah, thank you Madam Butterfly, it should have been HEELS!...hell ya...sole rather than soul...
So, they have been sitting...somewhere...Southwest Air invested in a bunch of 'em...awaiting the cure needed, to use them again...what have we heard?...not much...somehow, there is a movement to get them back up and running before THIS year is done...what?...we have just two months left...ah, check out the type of airplane you are scheduled to ride prior to buying that ticket, kids...scares the hell outta moi...listen, before they get the OK to fly, release ALL the info to the insure that the plane you (we) are on are 100% SAFE...
How about this...there is a hearing going on right now with the BOEING CEO Dennis Muilenburg, over the company mistakes that led to the fatal the Senate Commerce Committee....who'd a thunk...the Horse ahead of the news...
Yesterday was an unbelievable date for me Blog...the numbers were off my charts...441!...not really sure the reason...could it be the title, that triggered the interest?...'Reality?' that a catch word or phrase that shoots out into the web net, and draws the hits?...I dunno...but, if it is a first time for you reading...please join me on a daily basis...I appreciate it and let me know what ya'll think...
More drama in Alexander Vindman, NSC's top Ukraine set to talk to the House...reportedly to tell what he heard in the Trump quid pro quo tele call...of course, the name calling and belittling is about to commence...from the opposition...or, has it already started on Twitter?...
Nancy Pelosi is calling for the next step in the impeachment process...this was my breaking news, yesterday afternoon...the full House of Reps will vote Thursday...which, I believe, if successful, leads to public testimony...da dah da dah da dah....
One of my fav days of the year for the so many of the shows have their hosts dress in the creativity...and how it takes our minds off of 'reality'...there is that word again...Kelly and Ryan are up there as the best of...but, really, it is all over the channels...enjoy...
We are not getting those horrific Santa Ana winds in San Diego...but, just north if us, they are...fueling a deadly fire in, if it can burn, it brittle, as I keep tellin' ya...25 million (?) in jeopardy! that what I heard?...'s been at least 45+ years that I have been wearing the flip flops when the weather goes warm...and each and every summer back in Oregon, I would get the cracked heals...the fall would come, I would put regular tennies back on...and voila, the problem solved...down here in SoCal, it is always summer I always wear the flip flops...ah, long story...for the 1st time ever, I went to a podiatrist...who said my feet were off the he scraped and sanded was incredible...and yes, the Horse, is now on the road to recovery and smooth heals...gosh, and had to rid my selves of all the floppers that I owned, and got ones that ease my feet, and not hurt them....$$...
The World Series is now back in Texas...will the pattern of only visitors winning continue?...unbelievably, the elite pitcher, Justin Verlander, is going for his FIRST WS win...has lost 5, I the Astros need a W to seal it up...kind of pulling for him and them...
The Chargers won a game...the star QB Rivers got in a heated exchange with the HC along the way...and today, the club fired the offensive coordinator...ah, the reason for the spat?...hate the Bolts...not true, hate the owner...
OK, for those of you who have been following me for years...the ongoing coffee issue...I have determined that the Keurig is way too expensive (the pods are)...and the coffee is not hot enough for moi...once I run out of the current stock, I am off for the thermal real coffee maker...yes, everyone I know (except my son) uses the Keurig...I guess that's not everyone then...I digress...
Just ordered a Capresso...grind and brew from Wayfair...half off...we'll see...
Khloe is upset with THIS is news...and Dolly wanted Miley to play her...not THIS is news...
You ever heard of a Vixen motorhome before?...popular and made in the late 80's...hmmm, no clue...
Finally, 'Your So Vain'...popularized by the incredible Caryl Simon...well, the song could NOW pertain to the hoopster, LeBron he was seen in his last game, pulling up his fake hair...ha ha...did you know that when I type hoopster, my Mac wants to replace that with hipster...whatever...
Gotta go and grease me heals...ah, thank you Madam Butterfly, it should have been HEELS!...hell ya...sole rather than soul...