All Aboard...

Morning kids...ALL ABOARD!...on the Amtrak, trekking to Santa Barbara to see the kids and their kid...'leave the driving to us'...wait, that's someone else's line...but still, true...5 1/2 hrs...which is about the time it takes to drive thru that turrible LaLa traffic...maybe flashing there are them damn FIRES, east of LA...fueled by the Santa Anna's that time around here...

One of the many issues with Donny...he fires his people on a whim...I have told Marsh that Rudy is next....even though he is doing what he is told...the two blokes from the Ukraine who were detained and arrested...directly connected to Guliani...and TRUMP...who says he doesn't know the blokes...even though he has been pixed with is Donny Jr...who does he think he is fooling?...speaking of fools...his faithful followers in Minnesota at his last nite Donny talks and talks about nada...and calls people the crowd goes in a crazed frenzy...listen, kids...he is NOT a Republican...just using 'em...for HIMSELF...c'mon you MUST be smarter than that...

Then line is 21 favoring UO over Colorado...I'm not sure the Ducks can score it has to be 21-0...ha ha...take the is tonight in Eugene, at Autzen Stadium....'where it never rains'...

I have great reservations about who the Padres will hire as manager...I do NOT trust GM AJ's judgment...we need a vet, who tells Preller to butt out...and he will run the team...the ONLY way I'd take the job...

For all of the crap that Trump is doing to get info on Biden...and will get him probably will be in Eliz Warren will get the Demo nod...first time I have said that...and listen, I will volunteer....especially if she names Kamala as her running mate...wooah...

Love this...EU Ambassador will indeed TESTIFY next week!...Sondland...sorry, Donny, but your arse is Trump told him NOT to...ha ha...

Prince's music...specifically Purple Rain...Trump used it at his revival last eve...the Prince Estate told them to cease and desist...quit using it...

The Nobel Peace Prize was given out... not to Donny...ha ha ha...Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopian PM...

Gosh, just sit back...this unraveling is getting great....great fun...


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