No Surprise
Breaking the Apprentice's own words...'I'm showing great restraint in not striking Iran...'...this is the leader of the USA...oh my...
Every single day, I can't wait to see what the east coast feed has for moi...perhaps, a Tweet or three from the Apprentice...or an investigation into some improper handling of, well, most see, the news hub is over New York City...we get the west coast version...3 hours late...sure, we have the watered down messages....maybe, the corrected one...
I have absolutely no surprise about the latest allegations on Trump...'The Whistleblower'...alleged talks by him with a Ukranian top official...promising this and, are you kidding me?...he does this all the time...a crime?...not for this 'executive privileged bloke'....file it into 'that folder...'
On the same lines, I reckon...was the unbelievable and crazy interview of Donny's latest personal lawyer...Rudy Giuliani...on the CNN 6 pm show, Chris Cuomo...Rudy was a total neurotic and almost buffoon his rant and raves...trying to single out CNN has horrific...then, went into the Ukranian topic...and due to his uncontrollable banter...admitted that he had talked to them, about Joe MUST see the interview...or, whatever it was called...think about this...this regime is still seeking out info about OUR people thru the Russian intelligence...that bother you a bit?...what collusion?...
I know this old news...but, how can a President continually call people slanderous names?...not only is it so non presidential, but embarrassing to the well...can't someone in his inner circle clue him in?...or are they so afraid of the bloke, that they just shrug it off?...knowing if they pipe up, they will be banished forever...and then called a name, to this more of his 'locker room' talk?...
Climate change...there are those in power, like the USA, who deny that it is happening...even he will have to notice what is going to happen already has Berlin, over 100,000 people are demonstrating against those who don't, in the US, kids are joining in...walking out of class, I think it is noonish, to join the protest...trying to get the world's leadership to recognize and CHANGE the direction that many are on...
OK...let's get unreal...
From the 'I can't make this stuff up files'...Dennis Rodman, the Worm...ha really...says that Madonna, yea her, offered him $20 million dollars for a baby...did not do so...but, can you imagine that baby?...
As Trump is welcoming the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, to the White House...the Aussies, back home, are protesting in record setting numbers on climate change...
Now real...
My one and only team that I follow in the NFL...the Tennessee Titans...are into 3 games worth of the season...and the 'oh my gosh' is already there...some are calling for the change at QB....sit Marcus...egads...seems so simple to moi...and it's how the OC does his thang...get him out of the pocket more often...he has speed, USE IT!...
A trend this season in the NFL...the apparent increase in awareness of holding penalties...the yellow flags are a flying...almost like every play there is one...and that's why the Red Box is becoming the ONLY way to watch the games...
The mighty Padres...another 'oh my gosh', after a full season, do NEED a management...can't necessarily say at manager...but, for sure, the GM...he has failed...
The update to the iwatch is exemplary...they have created some new watch faces...and they are mighty grand, kids...I always wandered with their superior technology why they didn't have better, they do...check them out...
More on the 'Whistleblower'...the underlying thang is...what Giuliani let out...the rumor that Donny personally asked if the Ukranian Pres had any dirt on Biden...if true, where are we going with this?...Humpty Dumpty...
I have great reservations about a 10 point win for the Ducks at Stanford...ah, that's why they play the games...
We celebrate our 45 anniversary today, and well, this weekend...I am so lucky...Ruths Chris tonite, Downton Abbey flick tomorrow, and top it off with a Johnny Mathis concert Sunday eve...Maui when?...not this year...but next?...yes...this pix was from number oh man...
