Dancing With The 'Stars'

The new season of all the TV shows has begun...my personal favorite rag, Entertainment Weekly, scored the newbies...gave their angle on the ones to watch, and not...their headline was the probable hit starring Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon...'Morning Show'...egads, it doesn't begin until November...ah, how about the current openings, guys?...of course, there are the staples that get to come back...let's begin with 'Dancing With The STARS'...

Surely you jest, if there are any real STARS left to humiliate themselves on Natty TV...I mean, C'mon...athletes, sangers, siblings, and some elders...there you go...many eyes were on the 60 yr old beaut, Christie Brinkley...who had to bow out with a arm busting fall...that DWTS showed happen...didn't look that bad, but, as we all know in our tender age...any fall can be awful...yea, and the recent Bachelorette was in the mix...ah, she was dang good, and a possible winner...the humor of the nite, went to some blokes (Sean Spicer, the retired Balt Raven, and one of the past hubby's of a KFam, Lamar Oden...correction, ODOM) who danced (?) about...perhaps similar to what the Horse would look like...there is a pipeline from the KFam to this show...as we all know, they are real STARS...

Lost in translation...is the way the whole bloody show will be judged this season...egads, I am spending way too much time on this...forgive moi...you see, last season's winner...Bobby Bones...was one of the worst dancers (?)...but, had such a HUGE web net following...that he overrode the panels judges scores...and the producers don't want that to happen ever...EVER...again...hmmm, and even more puzzling...that the PRO that was with Bobby, was EXED out of this season...Sharna...just weird...who fires the winner?...

Next, is Survivor...the promos have a couple of former STARS in a advisory role...living about with the real contestants...sounds awkward, but the show usually works...I trust their judgment, and figure this will too...

OK, enough already...my staple is the sports, so, I don't watch much of these anyway...give me some college football, the NFL, and the MLB playoffs...which, by the way, does NOT include the mighty Padres...again...

And in DC...

Astounds me how much we have to write about when it comes to Trump...who on a daily basis gives me, the periodicals, the dailies, and the web net, so much fodder it is hard to turn down...or, away from...his Tweety is meaty...much to his chagrin...he apparently can hornswoggle Congress, but the state of NY, notsomuch...oops, that should be 3 words...not so much...as they have subpoenaed his last 8 years of tax returns...ah, 'Executive Privilege?'....let's see where this goes...

The bloke went into a state that is not INTO him...New Mexico...on a stump to help change their votes...ah, fuggit about it...depending on what source you read, his bellowing at 'the arena' had mixed results...ran into many disgusted people...yet, some say there were none...right...

'Drain the Swamp'....his cry when running for the office in '16...that he got from his idea bloke, Roger Stone...does that still apply now?....cuz, now, it is his SWAMP...right, he has hired, fired, rehired, fired, most of the people in his very own...SWAMP...egads...

The oil crisis in Saudi Arabia...fill up your tanks while you can...geez, let's hope that is doesn't go there...please...just so hard to believe that we have to protect that country...you do recall that MOST of the killers in 9/11 were Saudis...I have little trust...

Iphone 11...is available for order...so, I read about whether or not, it is time to reload...mine is the X, from a couple of seasons ago...that is what you call the change, right?...2 really interesting things to me...the 3 lens...so, you could take pix in a concert...I reckon...true?...and the battery life, like on a daily basis, far superior...finally, the cost is about the same as when my X was out...so?...I dunno...will wait for CWeeks review...he knows...

Friends...is very tough when you lose one...make sure you lean on them as much as possible while you can...make a connection...you know when you move away from your base...that is what you lose...your friends...I'm telling you from the bottom of me heart, keep in contact...

It's a 3 cup morning...hey, I am getting younger...shot me age again...now, I am 91...

The Futures?...slight downward trend for the day...which means?...I dunno...

For our continuance of 'Cocoon'...we have left our noodles in the desert...we have deemed them totally a necessary part of our water treks...to the Batmobile, M, we need some newbies...

This is for you NFL junkies...I have always thought that shelf life for a QB was quite long...I may be revising this...as two of the elder STARS have been taken down...Big Ben and Drew Brees...the Jet's guy went down, his backup did, too...it's been happening all over the league...now, the NY Giants decided to replace Eli, before he got injured...well, that's part of it...all this makes for a very, tedious selection process for winners...ah, fuggit about betting...it's a crap shoot...

Have you seen the bike nook?...way cool way of storing your bicycle...check it out...the problem for us, I think...is that you must have to drill in the floor for the stability...

Finally, we watched the Bee Gees again last eve....oh my...you seen the tape?...I get teary eyed when 'Run To Me' and 'I Started A Joke' are sung...both leads by Robin...trust the Horse and watch this...


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