A Reality Check

We finally have made it to Friday...c'mon, its the weekend!...well now, it feels like it...how is your weather where you live?...yesterday was the HOTTEST day ever on the earth...EVER!...ah, what global warming, Donny?...well into the 100's in our desert to the east of us...can't imagine...as we actually debated that move...

However, we did get an extreme shake up...in a meeting to determine whether or not to sell our condo...the round table discussion had that the pricing in downtown SD will PROBABLY continue to drop for the next 3-5 years...sobering, don't ya'll think, if you live where we do...and puts the impetus to sell now...what I say is A REALITY CHECK!...

Much to consider...as, for you have followed me for awhile...know that we have feinted moves to Kensington, Nashville, Maui, Palm Springs, and now...to Bend...Oregon...yea, we are vagabonds...and, due to Marsh being retired...we have the freedom to go where we want....ah, monetarily speaking, so, not anywhere...but, within the confines of our almighty dollar limit...

We were advised that a good move, might be to rent our condo...rent up in Oregon for 6 months or so...test the waters there, so to speak...see if that is really a good idea...then go forth...sell, and be done with it...now, all that is if...we don't sell right away...then, that would push the envelope mighty fast...it's a dilemma, right?...


Why would Trump want the two lady Reps banned from entering Israel?...doing his bro thing with the Israel leader to not allow them into his country...don't you think he can make his mind up himself?...hmmm, well he has an election coming up in the next few months...and thinks that bonding with Trump will help him, I guess...to get reelected....breaking news, is that one of the two will be granted entry...

I thought way back when, that the power that Trump could use would be minimal...when elected...thought that there were so many checks and balances in our governmental system...that he would flounder, if off course...turns out that he disregards all rules, cuz he's the President...and somehow, gets away with it...running amok...and embarrassing us all...

The fall of Boogie...this is an NBA bloke of extreme talent...ladened with temper issues throughout his career...fell down to the most costly injury that can happen to a hoopster, the torn achilles...DeMarcus Cousins...tried to come back...something else gave away in his legs...and just endured a torn ACL...which pretty much does him in...

The PGA is in their semi-finals...so to speak...the top 70 get reduced to the top 30 for the finals...ie, in the field are both Lefty and Tiger...out of the 30 thus far...and need some good rounds to advance...wooah, a name near the top?...ancient, in golf years, Jimmy Furyk!...

One of my investments in the stock market is GE...the stock may be in turmoil as there appears to be problems...the good thing?...I didn't invest much...the bad thing?...I pretty much lost a goodly share of the $....hey, by the way, the Futures say that this will be a good day...up 250 in the DOW...let's see if the trend follows...

Fox News released a poll that has the top 4 Demos all beating Trump...heads will roll on that one...he will try to get all them pollsters FIRED!...if it were not for FOX, he would have no one...

Yes, I have been complaining about the lack of good music released upon us lately...I am the one...hey, Taylor Swift and Miranda Lambert have some new discs coming out in a week or two....and I have heard some tracks from each...Taylor's are catchy...Miranda's are old school country...but...NOT BAD!...

Finally, the Horse has been unhappy with his electric shaver...time for a newbie...just about every year I get one....the reviews are out there and solid on the new Norelco Prestige...the problem is the price tag...$274!...I'm swirling that about me head...just not sure I want to pluck down that much cash for a razor...


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