July 17

We finally as a Nation, can hear from the investigator himself...as Robert Mueller is going to honor the subpoena...show up at the Congressional hearings...in 2 committees...LIVE...on July 17...I think this will either jump start, or put to bed, the notion of the 'impeachment' of Donald J Trump...this is a good thing, and whatever the revelations, I will be satisfied...ah, I think...mark it down on your calendar, kids...then, we will talk...

The first of the two South Carolina (?)....egads, these blokes and ladies were in Miami...debates are on this eve....the 2nd, maƱana...more really good stuff...the featured person tonite is Eliz Warren...tomorrow is the Biden, Bernie, Kamala, and Pete show...yup, I will be a watching and talking after...my eyes and ears are a waiting...and, my mind is certainly not made up...
My quick take from the debate...not enough pooh on Trump OR Biden...weird...

The mighty Padres got some pitching...in their opener in Baltimore...some blasts in 4 dingers...and got a much needed win...are the dimensions that much shorter at that yard?...appears to be...but, not to the naked eye...

Is it just me, or did this month just FLY by?...probably had something to do with that 22 day RV trip...duh, that's 3 weeks, Horse...

Eric Trump says that some bar dude spat on him in Chicago...ewww...

Your guy Trump tweeted this morning, 'presidential harassment!'...

I keep saying this, but when is that last time you have heard new music that is good?...that's why I listen to the 50's, 60's and 70's...with some country stations, too...think about it...

Off to the links...not feeling so hot...but, I need to pick up me clubs...gonna play with me son later this week...



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