Da Debate, Rd 1

Morning, kids...did you watch the Demos candy peops slug it out in round 1 of their presidential journey?...some have called this nite, the JV game...hardly...'let's be clear'...ah, how many times will you hear this for the next year and a half?...let's see, they gather in South Carolina, then move to Miami for the airing of the debates...got me confused...so much for clarity...

Were there winners?...man, it is so hard to stand out in a group of 10, basically saying the same sort of thangs...the issues were taxation, border concerns, pharmaceuticals, and the cost of college...fair to say that there were some others, but not in a robust manner...interestingly, not enough bashing of Trump...by this crew...and, the other, the lack of getting after the front runner, Joe Biden...

So it comes down to how you say what you feel...who has the best delivery....as the analysts queried afterward, who seemed the most presidential?...this is so biased...but I felt that Eliz Warren, Cory Booker, and Julian Castro were the standouts...had more meat in their comments...egads, sorry kids...but there must be better terminology than 'meat'...but you know what I mean...they have the best portfolio, and seemingly talked from their educated background...

There were two others that caught me eye...one was the mayor of NYC, Bill Deblasio...situated on the end of the stage, and I don't think anyone asked him a Q...so he blurted in whenever he could...and when he did, made sense to moi...the other was the lady from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard...who came off as straight forward, and right on topic...

Was there a loser?...yes...the bloke who has been a concern ever since he entered the race...Beto O'Rourke...I get lost in whatever he is trying to say...just a lot of words, and they are without substance...

Tonite, we have the big 4...Biden, Bernie, Kamala, and Pete...and 6 others...will they tackle what I want to see and hear?...how they are going to take down Trump?...so far, none of that has happened...so, my vote is far from decided...get it on, candy peops...


The mighty Padres swept the hapless Orioles in Baltimore...hitting dingers like they were singles...that stadium is a launching pad...which brings me to this...when comparing stats from one dude to another...these cities with the short fences, the lads have a huge advantage in those cities...NY Yankee stadium, Cincy, Colorado, Philly, Boston, and when the wind goes out, Chicago...of course, the stats for the hitters are better, but the pitching stats take a hit...so to speak...

Vanderbilt won the college WS in beisbol over Michigan...Nashville went crazy...is it just me, or are more and more thangs happening in that city?...what I call the Vegas of the east...without the gambling...I need to call my indigenous bros there, and get some casinos built...in Tennessee...

Trump called the debate number 1 'boring'...

Slow play in golf is a huge downer...we followed a fivesome yesterday...club members, to boot...SLOW...you have that many allowed on your course?...one of the blokes came over and said that he wanted to let us play through, but the others said 'f____ them'...so here we go, the entire course is trailing these hacks...waiting on everything...as there were at least 4 holes ahead of them, with nary a sole on the grounds...

This weekend there shall be movement in the NBA...players signing with perhaps, other clubs that they choose for themselves...rather than be traded...one such athlete, is the highly heralded PF, Kev Durant...he is a gamble...coming off of a ruptured achilles...the most dreaded injury for a hoopster...usually, this means the end of the career...takes a year + to recover and that might not do it...

A horse jockey heard of this boast...Richard Migliore...the achilles tear, and in his sport...that's nothing to compared to a broken clavicle...that he has had twice...point well taken...

Another shark attack...deadly one...in the Bahamas...I keep telling ya, they are hungry...and they are closer to shore than ever...

Say it isn't so...but the next set of store closures?...Pier 1...I lurve that store...

Do you like the look of a latest fad by the gals?...where they put all their hair in tight bun on top of their head?...not sure what it is called...I mean, if the KFam does it, so do many, many others...

The Kennedys had the 'camelot' and the Kardashians have the 'famelot'...

Something that really has my interest...when a teacher, christian, barely gettin by with the salary one makes in that field...boasts repeatedly about the benefits of the republican party, and even moreso, Trump...I have to scratch me head, and question...their sanity...

Finally, if you are the Prez...get accused of rape...and nothing happens to ya, is that called executive privilege?...

The prosecution rests...


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