Money Money Money

Top of the morn to all of you, out in Horse land! about a great extended weekend for us all?...if you are one of the gazillions on the road, happy trails...I intend to say NOTHING negative today...yup, the good word, is the topic and the salvation of us all...hmmm...did I say that?...our trip, was delayed due to available camp sites, er, RV sites...many were already booked...just as well, as we got the got the beer...what? old Hamm's Beer slogan...BTW, that company has long ago folded...

Speaking of closed up shops...lots of innuendos that the next 3 stores to either shut, or cut back in numbers this year...are CVS, Rite Aid, and gulp...Victoria's Secret...what? fear was when I chose to buy some lingerie for the little woman...went into that shop...and asked for help, 'she is about your size'...thank gawd for the internet, now...

The mighty Padres started the series Canada...with a whopping 6-3 win...the highlight was yet another dinger by Hunter Renfroe...I believe that is 9 HR's he has hit, THIS SEASON, that has put the Pads ahead...truly, a clutch performer...

As we peer into the crystal ball for the upcoming trip, I think back at the baseball teams throughout the country...that are NOT MLB...but, minor league...none better than the one in Salem, Oregon...fine stadium...well supported...they are a chain in the Giants system...thus, there may be a chance that we take in a game...maybe...

BEER...well, it's Memorial weekend...has to be in your palate at some time...what is your fav?...are you a 3.2% dude or dudette?...Bud, Bud Lite, or Coors?...I have matured into a micro brew...the 805 is dang good...for sure, there are many others...


Well, I promised to say only positive things today...and just can' think of any about him....hmmm, not sure...he is in Japan...that is good...

Money Money Money...the title for the blog today...being on a fixed income can be a bit precarious...when to invest, when to not...and now, since Marsh has gone that rout...well, I have to say, that we are staring at each other a bit more...ha ha...she is NOT as liberal as moi, as she used to be...grrrr...

Toronto is to be filled with rabid fans the 6th game of the east NBA there, as well as the Pads game...the beisbol is at noon, the hoops at 6...spacing out the Canadians...

My sources...sounds cool, huh...has risen to 23...which I read, prior to writing...yes, every single one of 'em...the hottest topic today?...the mocked up vid of Pelosi by Trump and his band of foos...oops, is that positive?...kind of...

Carrie Underwood has been in the PNW for a series of concerts...everybody has been raving about it...doesn't get down to here in SoCal until September...sheesh, she may be worn out by then...take a break, Carrie...

So, how long does this dang cold last?...enough already...


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