It's All a FACADE
A Wednesday morning quickee, kids...the golf course is a calling moi...just some things I need to get out and let you ponder bigger than the lingering report of reports, the unseen by the common man or woman, the Mueller Report...
You have seen the version of the acting AG Barr...two of them...but breaking news hit the airwaves the past day...that Mueller himself was dismayed by what Barr summarized it as...what you, I, and everyone else got, was a FACADE!...
AG Barr is in Congress today, attempting to further smoke screen his, his versions of the story is to just watch and listen to what he has to say...let his words dictate how you yourself, feel, as to what is really going on...
Another school UNC at Charlotte...last day of classes...a former student...ah, this item just keeps on and on and on...someday, we may see the get the guns out of the hands that don't need 'em...
Mgr Green apparently took my advice and adjusted his lineup the way I spoke out about yesterday...good move, the Pads won it 4-3...brilliant...
For all the 'hoopla' about the assigned refs in the Warrior/Beard game...they were darn near, good...ha the GS guys held homecourt advantage with a to Houston, to see if the Beard and his whiskers can do the same...for you who watched it, as Harden got his eyes poked...the rest of the game he dramatized it all, blinking like crazy...Pro Rasslin?...
The Futures are way up this am...especially the Apple Stock...get on out there, you day traders...
Got to go, but this just hit the web net...Mueller is willing to talk on the House floor...ah, this is getting good...maybe, not so much for Donny...but for the country, YES!...
You have seen the version of the acting AG Barr...two of them...but breaking news hit the airwaves the past day...that Mueller himself was dismayed by what Barr summarized it as...what you, I, and everyone else got, was a FACADE!...
AG Barr is in Congress today, attempting to further smoke screen his, his versions of the story is to just watch and listen to what he has to say...let his words dictate how you yourself, feel, as to what is really going on...
Another school UNC at Charlotte...last day of classes...a former student...ah, this item just keeps on and on and on...someday, we may see the get the guns out of the hands that don't need 'em...
Mgr Green apparently took my advice and adjusted his lineup the way I spoke out about yesterday...good move, the Pads won it 4-3...brilliant...
For all the 'hoopla' about the assigned refs in the Warrior/Beard game...they were darn near, good...ha the GS guys held homecourt advantage with a to Houston, to see if the Beard and his whiskers can do the same...for you who watched it, as Harden got his eyes poked...the rest of the game he dramatized it all, blinking like crazy...Pro Rasslin?...
The Futures are way up this am...especially the Apple Stock...get on out there, you day traders...
Got to go, but this just hit the web net...Mueller is willing to talk on the House floor...ah, this is getting good...maybe, not so much for Donny...but for the country, YES!...