And So It Begins
The blog title could apply to a number of things, about to commence...cheers to all of you out there!...graduations, trips, games, impeachments, and on and on...wait, what?...imbedded in the Mueller rendition of his Report...was an underlying notion, of 'we have done the legwork', now its up to Congress to go forth...or did he mean that?...totally depends on what side of the aisle you are on...
What he did say, loud and clear, was that there was clear evidence that Russia, in fact, did attempt to alter our 2016 presidential election...this morning, Trump...I think mistakingly, admitted that he did get help from the Russians...which sent out alarms to many....Trump continues to hold on steadfast, bellowing out 'no collusion, no obstruction!'...
Mueller did also say that if he were called into Congress to testify that he would add nothing to what he has already put out in his Report...thus, save the time in calling him...that they have all he can give...right there in written form...
At first, I wondered why he was even making his 8 minute long statement to the press...adding that he was not going to answer any questions, too...what was the motive?...unclear...
What is clear, is that there is more and more movement towards the impeachment of Trump in the House of Reps...I can't say for sure...but today, shall be a telling one...
And so it begins, could apply to the start of the NBA finals...tonight in the Warriors are favored to do the 3 peat...the odds are strong in their behalf...but...the Raptor's Kawhi Leonard could cause fits for GS...and throw their game off...the 2nd thing, is whether or not Curry can play D on Kyle Lowery....anyway, we will see this eve, what type of series it will produce...
Sure, could be the start of the PGA T at Jack's Place...the much attention given to the fact that Tiger is in the field...the people love to see him...sure, Lefty, Rickey, and others, will be there...but the masses want him...can he win it?...why not?...
The sublime and ridiculous...that while in Japan...the White House ordered that the Navy ship, the John McCain, be unseen by Trump...ah, he can't see the name or that it is in the region...I hope this is a HOAX...but, this is in the news a lot today...from many sources...
Make sure if you go to a masseuse, you are clear as to what to expect...and how firm that he or she can apply....I bring this up, as the MLB Astros SS, Carlos Correa, was put on the IL...cracked rib!...from a masseuse...egads...
The owner of the Houston Rockets has let it be known that ALL of his players can be had...for, the Beard...CPIII...does not seem like a place to go and play...
Or, the so it begins...applies to the trip of the PETERman Tour Bus...sketchy will be how often I write...thus, if you are one of the 67% who get their news from might try another source for a bit...ha ha...but check in, I may figure the iPad out...
What he did say, loud and clear, was that there was clear evidence that Russia, in fact, did attempt to alter our 2016 presidential election...this morning, Trump...I think mistakingly, admitted that he did get help from the Russians...which sent out alarms to many....Trump continues to hold on steadfast, bellowing out 'no collusion, no obstruction!'...
Mueller did also say that if he were called into Congress to testify that he would add nothing to what he has already put out in his Report...thus, save the time in calling him...that they have all he can give...right there in written form...
At first, I wondered why he was even making his 8 minute long statement to the press...adding that he was not going to answer any questions, too...what was the motive?...unclear...
What is clear, is that there is more and more movement towards the impeachment of Trump in the House of Reps...I can't say for sure...but today, shall be a telling one...
And so it begins, could apply to the start of the NBA finals...tonight in the Warriors are favored to do the 3 peat...the odds are strong in their behalf...but...the Raptor's Kawhi Leonard could cause fits for GS...and throw their game off...the 2nd thing, is whether or not Curry can play D on Kyle Lowery....anyway, we will see this eve, what type of series it will produce...
Sure, could be the start of the PGA T at Jack's Place...the much attention given to the fact that Tiger is in the field...the people love to see him...sure, Lefty, Rickey, and others, will be there...but the masses want him...can he win it?...why not?...
The sublime and ridiculous...that while in Japan...the White House ordered that the Navy ship, the John McCain, be unseen by Trump...ah, he can't see the name or that it is in the region...I hope this is a HOAX...but, this is in the news a lot today...from many sources...
Make sure if you go to a masseuse, you are clear as to what to expect...and how firm that he or she can apply....I bring this up, as the MLB Astros SS, Carlos Correa, was put on the IL...cracked rib!...from a masseuse...egads...
The owner of the Houston Rockets has let it be known that ALL of his players can be had...for, the Beard...CPIII...does not seem like a place to go and play...
Or, the so it begins...applies to the trip of the PETERman Tour Bus...sketchy will be how often I write...thus, if you are one of the 67% who get their news from might try another source for a bit...ha ha...but check in, I may figure the iPad out...