
It's already started...the final round of the Masters...what was a crowded bunch at the top...turned in to a few emerging...Francisco Molanari and Tony Finau...and a bloke named Woods...took the top spots heading into the 4th...such good golf and TV, huh...expecting huge storms, the powers to be moved the start times up...and went out in finish up before the weather...hey, the guys 4 or 5 back are in this...

The winner? idear...but, they will be GOLDEN...

The Padres won again...what?...that's 3 straight in 'Zona...gulp, and 3 up in the west...oh, the DBacks trot out their, it's a long shot for a victory for us...'there's something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear'...we have tix for the Saturday homer versus the Redlegs...

Staying in sports...the NBA playoffs have commenced...the quickees...the Nets upset the 76ers in the locals did their thang...BOOO...and the players were upset about it...ah, play better, dudes...the Spurs (Pop) got a HUGE win at much for the mile high crap...Toronto did what they have done like forever, lose a playoff game, to the Magic...and the capper, the Warriors drilled the Clip Alameda...the take from that?...KD got tossed, reacting to Pat Beverly...Doc would take that trade off any day...but, Curry was on fire...nuff, the other 4 matchups, ie, them Blazers, start up...

This, that and everything else...

It's upgrade time for Marsh and her, the study has begun...we want to stay in the Apple field...and the prolonged battery life is, the one we have chosen is the XR...whatever that stands for...anyone out there have one?...or, an opinion on this?...

I am watching the Masters via the live feed on me phone...why not on the pixels?...the Masters people won't allow it, until THEY say it is time...OK...

Have to admit, I just hate this placing the condo up for sale thing...vacating...then waiting...wondering...hey, we have a great place, and I am not sure that moving is in the cards...gosh, I have said that a lot in the past 3 years...but, Marsh is retired...and we have to TAKE time to enjoy the life as it is...right?...

Let's see, Prez hopeful, Kamala Harris released her last 15 years of her tax returns...and yet, Trump, won't do so with his...'they are still being looked at by the IRS'...and can't be's been at least 3 years...who is doing the reading?...should be fired...of course, he has to be hiding lots...and I am not talking about the reader...

Time for some grub...when does this pop up on the pixels anyway?...


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