The Mueller Report Completed
It took TWO years of fact-finding for the infamous Mueller Report to be completed and now...delivered to the USA Attorney General, William, it is UP to him as to what to do with it...he could throw it in the round file, if he so desires...ha ha...not...he has revealed that he will release what he wants to, as soon as this weekend...I find it odd, that there isn't much fanfare over it...
Sarah Huckabee Sanders has reassured the Nation, that the White House had no prior knowledge to its only Barr has the scoop, I reckon...right? believe that?...there have been conjectures from the Demos and the Repubs as to what is and is not in the Report...the Republicans in near pandemonium as they are saying 'see, no collusion!'...Sarah's God fearing daddy, Mike, even went the Tweet route to condemn the 'Fake News' channels and the major newspaper outlets, and the House Judiciary guys as to their unfounded witch hunt...hmmm, this as only Barr has knowledge of the contents?...something smell to you?...
A thorn throughout these two that when the Report was finally done and ready to be seen and dealt was to be given to the guy, that has been investigated!!!...well, to HIS AG, that he hand picked...think about that...'trust me, there was nothing in collusion...'...ah, a couple of days ago, Trump himself bellowed out, 'yea, I think the Mueller Report should be released to the public'....wonder when HE WAS BRIEFED of the contents?...
The country now awaits for...anything, or something...that will be released to Congress...and then to us...that term 'redacting' comes up again, I suppose...or, will it be a series of paragraphs on an official Government sheet of paper...that says what Barr and Trump, want us to read...and decipher as the summary to the Mueller Report?...'trust us'...
How's your hoop bracket going?...thus far, no upsets of the top teams...the next level of 'em, have taken some lumps...always...listen to me, if they are so called 'upsets', that shall be directed to the committee who gave these teams the number rankings...numbers 4-16 are often an absolute joke...anyhoo...the Ducks dominated the highly favored Badgers...great win...Duke...easily, too...Virginia and Tennessee had to work in their wins...hard...hey, the Dawgs whupped Utah St...maybe the Pac 12 wasn't that bad after all...round 2 today...
The LaLa Lakers are out of the playoffs...well now, they were doomed some time ago...but it is official...the signing of LeBron was to be the catchall for the upswing of the new Lake Show...ah, but the prob is...he is hard to coach...must be hard to play with...and he is now on the down side of his abilities...sorry, you James fans, but it's last nite's loss to Brooklyn, in LaLa...he demanded the rock, and was miserable in's a Q, could Pop coach him?...
It was so great to get out on the links yesterday...was cruising until I ran out of gas on the last 2 holes...all in all, a mighty plus...however, 2 weeks off, will eventually get ya...
Hey, the ladies are starting their madness, too...and the Ducks and UConn won their first games...ah, UConn scored like 110 points!...maybe, just maybe, a mismatch...the Beavs are today in Corvallis...expect a solid win for them...listen, is good stuff their brand of basketball...
Time for some grub...
Sarah Huckabee Sanders has reassured the Nation, that the White House had no prior knowledge to its only Barr has the scoop, I reckon...right? believe that?...there have been conjectures from the Demos and the Repubs as to what is and is not in the Report...the Republicans in near pandemonium as they are saying 'see, no collusion!'...Sarah's God fearing daddy, Mike, even went the Tweet route to condemn the 'Fake News' channels and the major newspaper outlets, and the House Judiciary guys as to their unfounded witch hunt...hmmm, this as only Barr has knowledge of the contents?...something smell to you?...
A thorn throughout these two that when the Report was finally done and ready to be seen and dealt was to be given to the guy, that has been investigated!!!...well, to HIS AG, that he hand picked...think about that...'trust me, there was nothing in collusion...'...ah, a couple of days ago, Trump himself bellowed out, 'yea, I think the Mueller Report should be released to the public'....wonder when HE WAS BRIEFED of the contents?...
The country now awaits for...anything, or something...that will be released to Congress...and then to us...that term 'redacting' comes up again, I suppose...or, will it be a series of paragraphs on an official Government sheet of paper...that says what Barr and Trump, want us to read...and decipher as the summary to the Mueller Report?...'trust us'...
How's your hoop bracket going?...thus far, no upsets of the top teams...the next level of 'em, have taken some lumps...always...listen to me, if they are so called 'upsets', that shall be directed to the committee who gave these teams the number rankings...numbers 4-16 are often an absolute joke...anyhoo...the Ducks dominated the highly favored Badgers...great win...Duke...easily, too...Virginia and Tennessee had to work in their wins...hard...hey, the Dawgs whupped Utah St...maybe the Pac 12 wasn't that bad after all...round 2 today...
The LaLa Lakers are out of the playoffs...well now, they were doomed some time ago...but it is official...the signing of LeBron was to be the catchall for the upswing of the new Lake Show...ah, but the prob is...he is hard to coach...must be hard to play with...and he is now on the down side of his abilities...sorry, you James fans, but it's last nite's loss to Brooklyn, in LaLa...he demanded the rock, and was miserable in's a Q, could Pop coach him?...
It was so great to get out on the links yesterday...was cruising until I ran out of gas on the last 2 holes...all in all, a mighty plus...however, 2 weeks off, will eventually get ya...
Hey, the ladies are starting their madness, too...and the Ducks and UConn won their first games...ah, UConn scored like 110 points!...maybe, just maybe, a mismatch...the Beavs are today in Corvallis...expect a solid win for them...listen, is good stuff their brand of basketball...
Time for some grub...