So Complicated
In the offing, is this mysterious capitalistic system we exist in...separated by two opposing generalized view points...which I find curiously odd...always have and always will...why are there but TWO? has to be the money...which side favors the people, companies, and lobbyists to brand their product the most?...right?...invest in the blokes and gals who will support what the aforementioned want, and will vote THEIR way...yup, they buy their way through the system...has worked forever...
No better example in the present inhabitant of the White House...made a living of influencing whatever he needs to build build build...fell into the position of the leader of our country, and gosh, there you, we go...we are stuck or blessed, depending on your side, with the bloke...
How much can one believe what he says?...or are the masses used to 'tuning him out?'...being oblivious of his lack of speaking ability...are the people looking at what is in their wallet?...only?...the list of what turns them on...well, it's their choice...listen, I respect that they have a view...but, like a religion, don't preach to moi...I'll have me own views, thank you...

In the interim...or forever, we have what we have...this ridiculous two party system that continues to being thrown around left and right...and we, the middle, do a heck of a job, stifling ourselves...finding a path to vote for the least worst available candy person...from the left or the right...
Sure, you from the far right, may think that your guy is exonerated from any 'obstruction of justice'...even, the spoon fed Trumpite AG Barr, didn't say that...yet, somehow, Donny did his own interpretation of Barr's version of the Mueller Report...he deemed himself fully exonerated...whatever....
The left will try to bring in the guys involved in whatever Mueller took 2 years to investigate...maybe even him...and grill him...or the AG Barr, too...yes, to get down to what they think is the real truth...
You got this? about complicated...yup, Trump just may have played us all...the middle and the put up more protection modes than we can handle...he thinks he has won...he may there a truth?...does it even exist?...or are we filled with the ultimate sabotage?...