This Just In

A startling 'Breaking News' item has hit the web Mexico's President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, has declared that he demands a WALL to be built on their northern border...and that, the USA, will pay for it...he notes, that the American President, Trump, has already asked for funding  and is having trouble getting the money...that he would even go as far as to shut down his government...until he gets the cash...

OK, yes I know, Horse humor...

Yet, it was a glorious day for the newbies in Congress...their first day at their elected (selected) jobs...especially in the House of Reps...I did notice a more subdued attitude on the Senate, impending doom...maybe I am reading too much into it...but, the Reps are busy doing what they want and need to do...first, trying to get the government back up and running...

So many worries about what the heck the Stock Market is doing...brought down by the announcement of Apple...however, most ALL of the investment peops are saying to 'hang in there' on that stock...hmmm...and you KNOW I watch the futures...high speculation that an upsurge is the hot rumor is that next week the US and China are to resume trading, well, at least, trade talks...

With the upcoming grand son, one of the major steps that us grandparents must get 'shots' to protect the baby to off we go to get 'em...and here is me beef...Marsh's is paid for, and I have to pay $47 for the same bloody thang...I even have the extra coverage, er, the supplement for Medicare...seems like the elders would get a break...ha ha...

Thinking out loud here...if Trump is as rich as he lets on, why doesn't he just fund the border wall, all by himself...and then he truly can call it, the 'Trump Wall'...adorn it with his golden letters, so both sides of the structure can see his name...yea, I know, more Horse humor...

I was interested in the Rockets/Warriors basketball game last eve...carried by TNT, or TBS, one of you know I have been saying all season, that Golden St will NOT repeat as better evidence of that last nite...Durant is a ball hog, with too much talent not getting the, Houston, does have a dude who can dominate the ball...the he hit a miracle shot to win it...a 3 ball...still don't get why many coaches don't foul guys so, the shooter can't make 3...

Oh yea, and I now agree with whomever, that the Beard, James Harden, is the best in the biz...easily...

This REALLY just out...2 of the 3 Trump tweets, in the past hour...or so...very recent, though...he has mentioned the word 'impeach' 'how can 'someone' impeach me for....'...and he gives his rationale for not doing so....hmmm, so obviously he has his antenna out and is very cognizant of what is brewing...another word could be used here...paranoia...

Saw a marvelous 'real life story' last eve called 'Tricky Dicky and Johnny Cash'...something like that...Prez Nixon asked for Cash to come to the White House and give a concert for the locals...early 70s...terrific footage of's a MUST see...let's just say, Johnny, did what HE wanted...Cash, that found respect for him...

What's this all about?...the U.S. State Department is issuing warnings about Americans traveling to China...there is a good chance that you may be detained there....what the heck?...

You have seen the pix of Madonna's new arse, right?...I mean, c''s a spectacle....well, she caught wind of the 'renewed interest in her...well, her _____'...she did the Donny thang, and tweeted, 'she is entitled to free agency on her own body'...of course...

OK, one must listen to the Horse...the Dow is up almost 600, and the NASDAQ over's all in the futures, kids...

This is gonna be a real good day....


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