No Collusion!
How many times have we heard this come out of Trump's mouth, 'NO COLLUSION!'...and that is what we are awaiting from the Mueller Report...was there?...or, even worse, is there still?...using the help of Russia to get Donald J Trump elected as the President of our Country...his latest personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, chose words last night that ABSOLUTELY changed the direction of the Trump regime, 'I never said that there wasn't COLLUSION between Russia and our campaign'...I mean WHAT?...why did he reveal that? soften the Mueller Report?...
Giuliani, did his best at backtracking, alluding to that the 'campaign' did the colluding, but not Trump...give me a break...Donny Jr and Jared may have been the leaders...all on their own...'listen, dad, we did something real keen for you'...
Hear me out loud and clear...the statement makes Trumps words worthless...surprised?...shocking, maybe...but, more to trigger the stampede to get this guy out of our top spot in OUR land...McConnell and Graham, and your fellow Republicans, what's your next move?...I figure that the talk will be switching from the wall to this...the DIVERSION will be subsided...
Coupling with this, was the article out of the Wall St Journal, that his then personal attorney, Michael Cohen, sank at least $50 grand into polls to rig further entice people to vote for him...the hits just keep right on a the walls surrounding him are crumbling, what will he do?...the firing of Guliani is imminent...denials rampant...BREAKING...Cohen just said TRUMP directed him to pay for the rigged polls!...this out at 12:53 pm East Coast time... will be a monumental one...the Q is what will come out of the guy's mouth...and his actions...maybe, the opening of the government?...too...he will try everything and ANYTHING to get back on track...Mitch and Lindsey, how about a little trip to the White House and encourage him to step down...
Our political watchdogs, the newspapers, New York Times and the Washington Post, in particular...the pixels, CNN, MSNBC, leading the pack...have been on the story...and can not be bullied to back off...I have seen nothing like this, and that includes the Nixon Regime...stay tuned...
Well, not so much, under other...but as VP Pence was smugly announcing that ISIS has been defeated...they attacked again in Syria, killing at least 4 there anything that we can believe from this administration?...
Normally this would be a headliner, but a top HUD official, Pam Patenaude, the Deputy Secretary...after disagreeing with the White House's attempt to BLOCK funds to the disaster in Puerto Rico...resigned...couldn't take it anymore...
The sports world can wait...I am thoroughly disgusted right now...
Egads...the US Health and Human Reports...that they don't have an actual number of kids that were separated at the border...well, here you has been estimated to be greater than 2700! wonder, they don't want to fess up...oh my...hang could be thousands more than that...
Giuliani, did his best at backtracking, alluding to that the 'campaign' did the colluding, but not Trump...give me a break...Donny Jr and Jared may have been the leaders...all on their own...'listen, dad, we did something real keen for you'...
Hear me out loud and clear...the statement makes Trumps words worthless...surprised?...shocking, maybe...but, more to trigger the stampede to get this guy out of our top spot in OUR land...McConnell and Graham, and your fellow Republicans, what's your next move?...I figure that the talk will be switching from the wall to this...the DIVERSION will be subsided...
Coupling with this, was the article out of the Wall St Journal, that his then personal attorney, Michael Cohen, sank at least $50 grand into polls to rig further entice people to vote for him...the hits just keep right on a the walls surrounding him are crumbling, what will he do?...the firing of Guliani is imminent...denials rampant...BREAKING...Cohen just said TRUMP directed him to pay for the rigged polls!...this out at 12:53 pm East Coast time... will be a monumental one...the Q is what will come out of the guy's mouth...and his actions...maybe, the opening of the government?...too...he will try everything and ANYTHING to get back on track...Mitch and Lindsey, how about a little trip to the White House and encourage him to step down...
Our political watchdogs, the newspapers, New York Times and the Washington Post, in particular...the pixels, CNN, MSNBC, leading the pack...have been on the story...and can not be bullied to back off...I have seen nothing like this, and that includes the Nixon Regime...stay tuned...
Well, not so much, under other...but as VP Pence was smugly announcing that ISIS has been defeated...they attacked again in Syria, killing at least 4 there anything that we can believe from this administration?...
Normally this would be a headliner, but a top HUD official, Pam Patenaude, the Deputy Secretary...after disagreeing with the White House's attempt to BLOCK funds to the disaster in Puerto Rico...resigned...couldn't take it anymore...
The sports world can wait...I am thoroughly disgusted right now...
Egads...the US Health and Human Reports...that they don't have an actual number of kids that were separated at the border...well, here you has been estimated to be greater than 2700! wonder, they don't want to fess up...oh my...hang could be thousands more than that...