Finally Friday

My topic yesterday, Venezuela, has only gotten mild coverage in the papers and pixels...odd, as it is a HUGE it appears that Maduro is not backing much depends on how their military reacts, and to whom they show allegiance...and, the underlying US guys in it, are VP Pence and SOS Bolton...stay tuned...all the while, our diplomats in Caracas, are huddling down, fearing...what may come next...
In the States, breaking news this very early am, is that the FBI has raided the home of another Trump '16 election staff member...Roger Stone...and ARRESTED HIM!...this is orchestrated by Mueller...will be charged with 'obstruction and lying' to the investigation committee...let's do a countdown of whom from that group have been indicted and or have been convicted...he is number EIGHT...the layers are peeling off...ah, Sarah Huckabee Sanders came on the pixels to tell us that 'this action today, has NOTHING to do with Trump'...thank you Sarah...
A beaut out of the keyboard of Donny...that 'those who are affected by his Shut Down, are proud to be involved ...'...right, dude...don't pay me...I can go without money until YOU get YOUR wall...right...
The NBA World Champs, the GS Warriors, opted to celebrate their crown at the house of Prez O, in lieu of the Trump WH...taking the hint, Donny?...
News outta the HOME...the big bucks one time (hopefully) assessment PASSED!...I call it the Pentacle Wall...shows what I don't know...well, we have no excuses for any deterioration in our have the scratch...have to find the monthly charge for the housing market returns to the upward cycle, we are outta here...
We had a party last eve at the new Theater Box in the GQ...nice place, but, no food for, after, we stopped at Barleymash for some grub...haven't been there forever...sat in the street side booths, and the weather was many people out and about...just an indicator why me head is a hurtin'...
Inevitable...this via the Washington Post...a GOP private luncheon...of into it over the stance of the Trump wall...'you got us into this'...towards Mitch McConnell...tempers arose and some of them confronted VP Pence, say it was anything but congenial is quite much longer can this charade go on?...they must be getting horrific messages from their constituents from their home states...
Wooah...this JUST breaking...the Koch Network...formally the Koch Bros...mega buck Republican donors and influential blokes, to be sure...have announced they will NOT back Trump in 2020!!!...more layers coming off, kids...gonna be tickled to see what Donny Tweets about this...
Out at Torrey, if the Pros played the North Course, they had a good day...witness Jon Rahm leading at -10, or Jordan Spieth at -7...if they played the South Course, anything under par is, they switch courses today, and then, let's see where we are...the Farmer's...catch it on the Golf Channel...
After reading and consoling with my attitude for some time...good friend and faithful reader, BJ, gave me a present last it is....