Day 26
Seems to me...that the repetitive Tweeting about the necessity of his wall, is more of a DIVERSION of what is actually happening...the connection of him and Russia...some scathing articles in the past few days of that...the fact that he met with Putin FIVE times, with no documentation...alone with nobody but an interpreter...I have said this before, but you KNOW the Russians taped the conversations...couple that with what is released, leaked, if you will, about the collaboration of Manafort and them...and Trump...
Still...everyday...we talk about Trump...what he has Tweeted...what he has tried to say...what he did...think about a Democracy, we should be talking about what the COUNTRY is doing, and NOT what the President is doing...this is more of a self serving ideological form of governing...near a dictatorship...right?...wake up people...before it's too late...I keep warning ya...
Still raining in SoCal...and the Horse is passing on the enough of that in Orygun...too many nice days here, to have to slosh around in the mud and guck...I'll wait for the clearing...
The Golden St Warriors traveled to mile high Denver to play them Nuggets...for first place...the two top in the know I didn't hear a peep about that the air up there, affecting the road, Warriors...Golden St was show who is the best...scored FIFTY ONE in the first quarter!!!...what? was a rout...and I may be hedging on the repeat quote...
Makes no diff where LeBron goes, there is cloud that goes with him...of dealing with coaches...the talk about the NBA world, is that the coach of his LaLa Lakers, Luke Walton, is on the HOT seat...what makes that so difficult, is that James is on the downside of his career...sorry, crazed LeBron fans, but it's true...more injuries will occur...natural breakdown of the he ages...but, his mind will be telling him otherwise...very hard to manage that...hang in there, Luke...
One more thang, I have to think that his former teammate in Cleveland, Kyrie Irving, is toxic...and a drain on a team...witness the strife in Boston...
An announcement that just came out...that over 50,000 government workers were summoned, er, called back to work UNPAID...IRS people, air traffic controllers, and the food and safety peops, being the major can they do that?...make this simple, Donny...just open the government back are a piece of work...
The Washington Post released an article about the haves and have nots in Iran...that many in that country are flourishing there, and not following the ways of the rulers...inferring that the leadership is crumbling...wait, I am talking about Iran, right?...sheesh, I thought for a moment, that I was....talking about....
Nancy Pelosi is suggesting a moratorium on the State of the Union Address by Trump, scheduled later this month...please please please, I can't take another shouting, screaming, misreading of a prompter, debacle by him...let one of his puppets, like maybe Pence, deliver least I wouldn't have to wear ear plugs...'Donny says...'...
The futures were UP this am...does this follow the pattern that I gave ya?...maybe I should be a day trader...what you think, JJ?...ah, just joking...
Pure BS...I know what you're's the CD by Blake Shelton...on me Beats...the song that you SHOULD hear?...'I Don't Care'...absolutely terrific...
Breaking...well, breaking from me...think about will get your mind going, I promise ya...I don't think that Trump wants to settle up with this Trump wall thang...the longer it carries on, the less the people can think about the 'Russian Collusion'...he likes this shut down...yup, the DIVERSION...