Wishful Thinking

Right smack dab in the middle of the Holiday (Christmas) Season, is the sentencing of the former Trump soldiers...the first is his personal attorney, Michael Cohen...well, former...got a 3 year prison term...and my oh my, how Donny turned on his trusted ally...who guided him for a dozen years...who at once stated 'he'd take a bullet for him'...makes you wonder if Trump actually has friends...

Manafort is next...a brazen contributor to the campaign...even, known as a 'campaign chair'...until he wasn't, ha ha...and of course, got fired by Trump eventually...the path of most everyone around him and his present regime...sure, waiting in the wings, is the fate of Michael Flynn...man, have you ever seen such a plight of former Trumpites?...very real and you'd think embarrassing to the present inhabitant of the White House...and I don't think it is...

Yes, I know I lead with this sort of thing, often...how can I not?...even his own faithful pixel network, FOX, has trouble supporting the bloke...as their lead story, that Trump has cancelled the White House Xmas Party for the Press...Scrooge!!!...well, that takes the air out of that balloon...he would have had to have a human shield about him, you know, his family, and Sarah Huckabee, and his current attorney Rudy Giuliani, and the dude who may be the new COS, Chris Christie, and Mad Dog, and of course, his spokesperson for the gala evening, VP Mike Pence...oops, he can't, won't or will not be allowed to speak...they WOULD have surrounded Donny throughout the evening...nobody would have broken through the lines...a WALL, if you will...I digress...anyway, the night has been closed down...ah hem, you could say SHUT DOWN, just like his idea for the government, in a few days...

Sarcasm at its finest....Horse...

So much chatter about a new and improved San Diego Padres...as the GM's of the league are in Vegas...talking smack and bravado at the same time...trading human beings like they are baseball cards at a fantasy convention...may be to these blokes who have the purse strings on their respective ball clubs...listen AJ Preller (our very own puppeteer), we need pitching!...oh, yea...this was a gem outta of a mouth of a Colorado reliever....that he would strike out Babe Ruth, every time...

Who is Babe Ruth?...

Have you ever wondered what $5 billion bucks would do to improve our roads, bridges and parks?...in lieu of spending it for the Humpty Trumpty Wall?...just saying...

And this...are you one of his 'BASE?'...really?...YOU are?...then get out and carry a placard...be PROUD of yourself...wear your bloody red cap 100% of the time...

I'm hungry, alert, and ready to ROCK the world today...


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