Time Stands Still

Morning, kids...we have 16 days 'til Christmas...just in case you are delaying your shopping...seems to be a crucial time, if you are using the web net...well, probably have this week to get the order(s) in...right?...as you know, I am listening to Holiday Music as I am writing this am...makes me thinks this...

Isn't it wonderful this music thing?...from years gone past, for many of the songs...as Time Stands Still...some of the singers are no longer in the living...but, their voices are!...they left us with those treasures, and their ability...product, may be a better description...in the past (weird intro) I have listed my favorites...but, not this time...just a generic idea...do what I am doing, and it will brighten up your day...at least, start your day off right...

The same can be said about movies...think about all the ones that the pixels play from like the 30's on up...if made well, puts you right back into time...in that particular era...so cool...I'm not really getting nostalgic, just stating a neat part of life...who says 'neat' anymore?...I digress...so, too, find a good flick for this evening, and get lost in time...as yes, Time Stands Still...

Just came thru my Beats, was a song by Bobby Vee...remember him?...didn't recall him making an Xmas song...'A Christmas Wish'...see what I mean?...my fav song of his was 'Take Good Care of My Baby'....

Odd how the day seems so much nicer, when you play a good round of golf...the sun seems warmer, the people appear to smile more, the food tastes better, and the beer seems colder...I dunno, maybe it has nothing to do with it...but, yesterday, I played well, and the rest of the afternoon was grand...neat...

Got back in time to see the 2nd half of another thing that happens to be floating in near animation...the Army/Navy football game...each year, a classic...both teams run antiquated offenses...the triple option...as the Black Knights won their 3rd match with the Middies in a row...it is always fun to watch the pomp and circumstance of the game...and get this...at the conclusion of it all, each school plays and sings their alma mater...and BOTH teams go and stand at the opponents side while that happens...does that happen anywhere else?...

Not sure why, but I am finding myself NOT pulling for the Lake Show...for all of the abilities of LeBron, I also find him disgustingly absent, when it comes to defense...if you want a kick, when watching the LaLa Lakers, focus in on James when they don't have the ball...standing around and well, you get me drift...

I noticed last nite, there were so many more trees lit up surrounding our building...guess they are just slow moving getting in the mood...back to back 'ing' is called what?...and should not be written like that...geez...anyhoo, there are loads of units with Xmas lights on...neat...

So...here is the real deal...what do YOU want for Christmas?...you gonna wait for someone to get it for you?...or, are you one of those, who go out and get it for yourself?...I mean, it's all about YOU, right?...OK, I am jesting...YOU really are trying to get the perfect gift for your family...and it's better, if it is a surprise, right?...

Finally, are you one of the few (apparently) who still get the newspaper delivered at your door?...we do...the Trib's sport page is a good one...but, the Sunday edition has the Super Suduko, too...which I have NEVER been able to solve...and it is the trigger to my keeping the paper...ha ha...just as soon, as I master it, the subscription will be terminated...



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