Market Swoon

Maybe that should be, Market Plunges!...aghast was my response to yesterday's total collapse of the Stock Market...the Dow dropping almost 800 points...800!...this after assurances that there was going to be a rebound prior to the end of the year...well, it has 26 days to do so...and if yesterday, is any indicator...we may be in trouble financially...

Trump...declared himself 'Tariff Man'...I can think of many other nicknames more the so called trade war with China continues on...seemingly, the market reacted to him and it...thus, shocking the investors in a sell off...really, it is out of the commoners hands...right?...

I speak of the 'indicators'...of things on the horizon...none bigger than what Mueller released last eve, concerning Mike essence, recommending little if no jail time for his involvement in the Trump Regime...the lies that he he spoke to the Mueller people 19 times...the report itself, had a shockingly huge amount of redactions...blacked out lines of information...yet, the item that speaks loudly, is that Flynn gave 'substantial' aid to the probe...hmmm...

Some said it was a release of nothing...maybe so...however, I am of the thinking that it was a precursor of things to come...another report out of the Mueller office, is this Paul Manafort learns of his, recommendation...most believe, due to his lack of cooperation with Mueller, his sentence will be a lengthy one...

During the Prez campaign, Trump kept referring to 'taking the fifth', as a bail out for those who wouldn't comment on improprieties...of people connected to Hillary Clinton...'disgusting'...amongst other kinds words...alas, his very own Roger now taking that 'disgusting' route a probe by the US Senate, mind you...what comes around...

All the while, we are embraced in the death of Number 41...President George HW is the eulogy part...PBS ran a beautiful history of him last eve...I think it is a repeat...makes no was so well done...a couple of things that I had past by me that he was but a one term Prez...however, he was the VP for 8 years, in essence, in the White House for 12 straight years...imagine...

Ok, gotta I glance out me window, I see no clouds....yet the weather gal says it is a coming...THE by 12 or 1...must be fast moving...


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