The Results

The polls and the pundits were right on...reminds me of the song by Marvin Gaye, 'Right On'...well, the phrase does the Repubs retained the Senate, and the Demos took over the House...and thus we have, a divided what is the outcome of all this?...that we are in for a couple of chaotic years in this regime...

Look no further than the number of women who were elected to the House of Reps...Demo ones...and a couple of late 20 year olds to boot...a smashing win for a Native American Lady, wait, an Indigenous Lady that an ILP...those are just a few of the highlights of the eve...well, of the day of the votes...

The Senate was another story...probably the biggest was that Ted Cruz prevailed in Texas...against one of the new hotshot personalities of the Demos, Beto O'Rourke...who will gather himself and probably...PROBABLY, run for Prez in 2020...a person of interest, kids...still, the Repubs remain in control...for some, think that spells the relief of Trump, who feared he may have to face the impeachment biz...

Not so fast, my good the House will gather and take an eery look at ridding the White House of the latest, block anything that he may try to throw at them...he will be left with his own version of Executive Order...which should scare the heck out of you...does me...

My final analysis is, that it makes no difference who the Republican leader is...their base will vote Red regardless...there is NO crossover...this was a perfect example of that...these, it is up to the Democrats to get their people out to combat this bloke, rally the voters, and put forth the best candidates that are in the system...

Lost in this day of judgment, was the fact that the Mueller Report was, or is, to be revealed to the country...soon, it is Trump will clean house, er his house, in hopes that he can fend off the ramifications of whatever the Report says...I dunno, something tells me, that it will be tame and indifferent...shame...I hope I am wrong...

Down here in Cali, Gavin Newsome won the Guv spot over John Cox...this is definitely a Blue state...hey, the voting on the Governors throughout the nation was interesting, huh...nearly split...I suppose the most talked about race, was in Georgia, where the gal, Stacey Abrams, ran a spirited down, and will not yet concede...

OK, there you go...the slant that needed to be done and out at ya...Donny will do his spin on it...find the things that benefit him...take credit for those, and disregard the voting in the House...listen, kids...buckle the next couple of months could be a very rough ride...or WILL be...


Was it just me, or was the conclusion to the beisbol season a lackluster one?...clearly, the Bosox were the best in the game...

Duke played Kentucky in a college hoops kickoff event...odd, that they use a football term for basketball...well, the Blue Devils mauled 'em...and the hard court could be very similar to the aforementioned beisbol season...with a clear fav in Duke...

I guess you could say the same about this year's college 'Bama is in a class by's them and the rest...maybe Clemson...but anyone else lurking?...nope...

Wonder why my fav two shows on the pixels are 'Madam Secretary' and 'House of Cards' ???...

Taylor Swift stuck her neck out and supported the Demo in the Tennessee race for one of their Senate seats...he lost, and Marsha Blackburn won...and today, Taylor is getting a lot of hits for her stepping it up...really...

Alrighty then, a bite to eat, and off to the goal is simple...beat my last score of 96....


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