Rest and Liquids

The medical field tells me that it can't has nothing to do with the happenstance of getting the 'flu shot'...but, an unsupportive two year analysis by the Horse, figures each of the past years, I have got the shot...and within a few days...I HAVE THE FLU!!!!...what the Hell? complete the query, I have glanced at the responses to the 'who has the flu?' in Facebook ...those, some who have it now, say this, 'but I just got the flu shot!'...

24 hours of not sleeping...that will do ya, believe me...the fever, the Excedrin, the rest, the liquids...the idea of the Brat diet...this after, the ultimate self destruction that I went thru, and I will spare you the gory details...finally, as the evil, whatever it is, passes thru my system, I have the wants and desires of SLEEP!!!, I take some NyQuil Extreme...BTW, have you ever tried to open those packages, when you are weak and weary?...takes a pair of scissors and then, I dropped one of the two in a drawer, where I couldn't find it...I digress...

Success!...and am feeling like 90% this am...thus, I am you...listen, Marsh, went thru the same...imagine this household for the past 2 days...the sleep was dreamy and totally helpful...don't tell me that the flu shot, does not have some impact on me getting the flu...

Let's go...

Watching the pixels...non stop...and I came upon this debacle...Chris Wallace interviewing Trump...I can't help it...but the guy is reprehensible...his views are so wrong...and scary, too...his take on the Bin Laden situation, the banning of the news reporters, the questioning of his OWN CIA over the killing of the Wash Post writer, the list goes on and can ANYONE support anything what this guy promotes? disgusts me to even HEAR his voice...

Let's get real Fantasy Football team...last...and apparently 'tanking' all the games to get the first pick for next year...scored a whopping 161 points for the week...and probably will lose yet again...that has to be a going against the top team...there is a reason for his/her record...

The CNN Jim Acosta White House credential pass...a Federal Court Judge reinstated it...much to the dismay of Trump...who then said that he would use measures to quiet his constant battle with free speech...listen, kids, this is bigger than what is on the surface...more power plays by the guy...he informed CNN that he was going to revoke Acosta's credentials again, this am...BE AWARE of what this means...suppressing voices...stand up people....

Trump wants to show to the Country that he has the do whatever he wants...say whatever he wants...and now, he can control the judicial system to foster his personal desires...wake up, kids...this is REAL!...


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