Indigenous People's Day

Whatever it's called...Happy Something Day...maybe, Native Americans?...shoot, wasn't called America yet...Injun Day?...well now, lots of people would love that...some would rather it be Columbus Day...cuz he may have been the bloke who thought he landed in the West Indies...named the inhabitants, 'Indians'...there you go...anyhoo, the name that was christened was Indigenous People's Day...says here it is to be the 2nd Monday of disregard the 12th in this photo....

Let's make this simple and honor us all...all colors...all shades of skin...and just try to get along...wouldn't THAT be nice?...

Run down to Costco, or your local super...hmmm, or if you are a baker type, make a cake, buy a sheet cake, something...keep it clean but add ONE candle...let's start some where...

What is going on with Facebook?...riddled with many complaints that there are 'hackers'...that keep using our names...there must be a memo soon out of the company to clear this all up...

Off we went to the local Apple Store, to get Marsh a new opened at 11 am...and it was SLAMMED!...lordy, they are THE business of this time...

Enjoy your day off, if ya'll get one...

Early tee time and this is just a quickee...hey, maybe get some ice cream to go with...


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