Back at the Scene
Morning, kids...took a bit of a journey to get thru Los Angeles...have I told you how much I hate that drive?...6 hours from Santa Barbara to San least 2 wrecks...had to switch routes twice...ended up on Highway 1 for a goodly the 101 was at a standstill...then got the same treatment on the 405...listen, there is no good way...all this after gettin me tooth fixed...that was a rush job by the good dentist, Dr Cris...which normally takes two weeks, we (he) did in 2 days...BTW, he has a terrific team working for him, too...let's just say I am a zombie this am...
Speaking of that, with Halloween on the horizon, what are YOU going to dress up as?...don't ask Megyn Kelly for advice on her ideas...hmmm, but we are gonna be in Indio, so maybe we will have the option to not dress up...I hear tales that a casino trip is in the offing...but, like I said prior, I am NOT thinking too clearly this am...thinking back to most of my getups in the Sammi Hagar could have been the best...of course, now, nobody knows who that is...
Watched a goodly bit about the news on Aljazeera TV...really...and they continued the rant on the Washington Post writer that was killed at the Saudia Arabia Embassy in Turkey...and that Turkey wants to prosecute the 18 who were involved...gruesome details that have emerged, not from the US sources, but from the Turkish ones...this is a bizarre tale, that at first, Trump told his people (?) to not rush to judgment...again...
SCOTUS Kavanaugh...the Senatorial affirmation...maybe, one could call it an aberration...anyhoo, one of his 'yes' voters, the one and only Jeff Flake...went on the View, and spilled his soul...saying that he wasn't so sure that K was telling the truth...lordy, man, if you were in doubt, then vote accordingly...this idea that they MUST vote with the rest of the party is hogwash...seems to moi, that he should represent his constituents...if that's the way THEY want it, so be it...
D-1 Football synopsis...of the past weekend...UO got their arses handed to them...ah ha, it is a learning curve for both the players and the coaching staff....hope to rebound versus 'Zona...SDSU in a nail biter over the still winless San Jose St...a ridiculous 20+ point the Aztecs barely score in the teens...Ohio St mauled by Purdue...Scott Frost finally got a win at Nebraska (whew!)...the other OSU, them Beavers, looked pathetic...sorry Beaver Nation, but its true...
The World Series...had loads of time to listen to the broadcast over XM of the game...reminder that the Horse predicted that it is the Bosox to win...regardless of the opponent...there is a huge sentimentality for the Bums down here...but, listen, I'm not sure the people are into beisbol ANYWHERE like they used to be...hey, not WS, but the Padres next in line, Mark McGuire, called it quits...hmmm...that is 3 coaches that need to be hired by SD...odd, as the owners keep saying that the product is why would he want to get away?...something smells...
The mega billions has been hit by someone in South Carolina...somewhere around $1.5 billion bucks...dang, and I didn't buy a tix...
Breaking news that there have been explosive devices sent to Prez O and Senator Clinton's residences...that have been found prior to damage...the world we live sad...
As we stopped by an LA McDonalds to fuel up and all...were shocked by the site that we had...they had an armed security guard on the, this was just out of Malibu, on Hwy One....really?...must be needed...oh my....what is this world coming to?...oh yea, and I do complain a bit about city bums...LA has lots of 'em...lots...maybe that's why the security guard, huh...
Absolutely love where the kids live...they can walk right out front, and let the dog walk...the area, well most of Santa Barbara, is so fresh smelling...if you have never, been is like old and many cool old houses...mixed with some very few newbies...there's is...all seems to fit...built on a hillside, thus, ocean view...and I think a terrific place to raise a kid...
Finally, they treated us to a concert at the SB Bowl...which is like 7 or 8 blocks from their house...the legendary Rod I told you before we was a Vegas type of production (like real good)...but had one flaw...he busted his foot and was in a BOOT!...the lad couldn't dance around...but his 73 yr old voice was great, and we had a splendid fav tune of the nite?...'Tonight's The Night'...
Speaking of that, with Halloween on the horizon, what are YOU going to dress up as?...don't ask Megyn Kelly for advice on her ideas...hmmm, but we are gonna be in Indio, so maybe we will have the option to not dress up...I hear tales that a casino trip is in the offing...but, like I said prior, I am NOT thinking too clearly this am...thinking back to most of my getups in the Sammi Hagar could have been the best...of course, now, nobody knows who that is...
Watched a goodly bit about the news on Aljazeera TV...really...and they continued the rant on the Washington Post writer that was killed at the Saudia Arabia Embassy in Turkey...and that Turkey wants to prosecute the 18 who were involved...gruesome details that have emerged, not from the US sources, but from the Turkish ones...this is a bizarre tale, that at first, Trump told his people (?) to not rush to judgment...again...
SCOTUS Kavanaugh...the Senatorial affirmation...maybe, one could call it an aberration...anyhoo, one of his 'yes' voters, the one and only Jeff Flake...went on the View, and spilled his soul...saying that he wasn't so sure that K was telling the truth...lordy, man, if you were in doubt, then vote accordingly...this idea that they MUST vote with the rest of the party is hogwash...seems to moi, that he should represent his constituents...if that's the way THEY want it, so be it...
D-1 Football synopsis...of the past weekend...UO got their arses handed to them...ah ha, it is a learning curve for both the players and the coaching staff....hope to rebound versus 'Zona...SDSU in a nail biter over the still winless San Jose St...a ridiculous 20+ point the Aztecs barely score in the teens...Ohio St mauled by Purdue...Scott Frost finally got a win at Nebraska (whew!)...the other OSU, them Beavers, looked pathetic...sorry Beaver Nation, but its true...
The World Series...had loads of time to listen to the broadcast over XM of the game...reminder that the Horse predicted that it is the Bosox to win...regardless of the opponent...there is a huge sentimentality for the Bums down here...but, listen, I'm not sure the people are into beisbol ANYWHERE like they used to be...hey, not WS, but the Padres next in line, Mark McGuire, called it quits...hmmm...that is 3 coaches that need to be hired by SD...odd, as the owners keep saying that the product is why would he want to get away?...something smells...
The mega billions has been hit by someone in South Carolina...somewhere around $1.5 billion bucks...dang, and I didn't buy a tix...
Breaking news that there have been explosive devices sent to Prez O and Senator Clinton's residences...that have been found prior to damage...the world we live sad...
As we stopped by an LA McDonalds to fuel up and all...were shocked by the site that we had...they had an armed security guard on the, this was just out of Malibu, on Hwy One....really?...must be needed...oh my....what is this world coming to?...oh yea, and I do complain a bit about city bums...LA has lots of 'em...lots...maybe that's why the security guard, huh...
Absolutely love where the kids live...they can walk right out front, and let the dog walk...the area, well most of Santa Barbara, is so fresh smelling...if you have never, been is like old and many cool old houses...mixed with some very few newbies...there's is...all seems to fit...built on a hillside, thus, ocean view...and I think a terrific place to raise a kid...
