And In This Corner

Drama, my good the Beard continues his dominance over the befuddling refereeing crew that the league throws out at ya...travels, flops, squawks, and then makes shots...and the refs turn away...or call some odious fouls on the defenders of some phantom ones, to boot...OK, you are set up...
He drives to the hoop...and one of the Lakers, 'fouls' of the co-stars...Brandon Ingram...who goes off and shoves the Beard...who knows what he said to trigger that...Tech number 1...a short distance away another little confrontation was going about...this one was with CPIII and another of the co-stars of the Lake Show, Rajon Rondo...ah we go...
Trash talking from an inch away...never works...and again, who knows what was being said, but my guess, it wasn't 'I like your eyeliner'...Paul pushes his finger into Rondo's eye...and here we go...Rajon punched Chris...and then again...Paul retaliates...and out of nowhere, came that Ingram bloke and threw a punch at CPIII, too...bedlam...
Cooler heads prevailed...the 3 mentioned will be out of action for me mind, Ingram should have to sit for a goodly time...oh yea, the Rockets won the game...
The Cougs destroyed the Ducks...up 27-0 at half and breezing...UO made a comeback to close it to 27-20, but that was it...congrats to the WSU team, and their style of play...time for the Quack to regroup...still, the learning curve...players AND coaches...
Terrific win by the Bums! they set sail to the World Series...facing the Bosox...I do like the finals...figure the Red Sox the favs...but, for some reason, am pulling for LaLa...guess, cuz they are the underdogs...or the manager, Dave Roberts, is a former Pad...I dunno...
The Blazers continue their nice play...beating Pop's Spurs...hmmm, are they better than I thought?...wouldn't that be something...they have a quiet confidence...
The kids got us tix for a legend...rock star...for tonight in Santa Barbara...'Maggie May', 'Hot Legs'...c'mon you know who it is...and we have never seen him live before...Rod Stewart...remember when he was with the Small Faces?...ah, not sure about that...
So, there are 4,000 refugees heading our way from Honduras...a walking...and the Donald will be at the wall, to turn 'em away...wait, it is not built...yet...and NO, he won't be there...but, I figure the Army will be...well, something like that...
Ohio St got beat by Purdue...huge upset...hmmm, what is a Purdue?...ah ha, named after John Purdue...renowned for being a public research U in Indiana...there you go...for some reason, I thought it was in Michigan....
Mega-millions, and Powerball...both are at extremely high amounts of cash...why is that?, I guess you call it an investment, when you buy some tix...
OK, I caved...bought another Keurig coffee maker...this one is the bomb (who says that anymore?) can set the coffee to be real hot...thus far, Pacific Bold, is the one of choice...have not put Starbucks in...yet...
News from this Regime's White that Trump is gonna pull out of the nuclear treaty we have with the Russians...ah, what?...why? beg you...don't ever call what he says or does, as SMART!...
Another insider book about to get out...this one by Anthony Scaramucci...hmmm, I thought he lurved Donny?...maybe no one really does...except Melania...and really, does she?...
Couple the concert with the tooth fixing, and we got game....